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Legal Training, Law Courses and Seminars
TrainUp.com is your one-stop source for the best virtual legal training and live courses nationwide. Start your search now and browse among 182 live instructor-led legal training classes near you, from the industry's best legal training companies such as NBI, Inc., Lorman Education, and Kaplan Financial TrainUp.com also lists more than 1270 self-paced online legal training courses, micro-learning videos, and eLearning bundles. If you have a team to train, we can conduct a course just for you. Check out our onsite on-site legal training page to request a custom virtual or in-person training quote today.
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TrainUp.com is your one-stop source for the best virtual legal training and live courses nationwide. Start your search now and browse among 182 live instructor-led legal training classes near you, from the industry's best legal training companies such as NBI, Inc., Lorman Education, and Kaplan Financial TrainUp.com also lists more than 1270 self-paced online legal training courses, micro-learning videos, and eLearning bundles. If you have a team to train, we can conduct a course just for you. Check out our onsite on-site legal training page to request a custom virtual or in-person training quote today.
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Payroll Law
HR Law
Internal Investigations Certificate Program
Employment Law Course: Avoiding the Legal Pitfalls of EEO, FMLA and ADA
Certified SOC Analyst (CSA)
Certified Penetration Tester (CPENT)
Applying HR Law: Enhanced 2-Day Training
SC-900T00 Microsoft Security Compliance and Identity Fundamentals
CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker v11 (Duration 5 Days)
EC-Council Certified Network Defender (CND)
CyberSec First Responder (CFR)
Certificate Program In FMLA & ADA and PWFA Compliance
Expanding Your Influence: Understanding the Psychology of Persuasion
Legal Descriptions, Title Insurance and Surveys in Real Estate Transactions
North Carolina Real Estate Transaction Documents A-Z
Top Real Estate Survey and Legal Description Problems
Real Estate Transaction Documents: Spotting the Top Dangers
Marijuana Corporate Formation, Contracts, Commercial Real Estate and More
Real Estate Joint Ventures and Public-Private Partnerships
Tax Aspects of Using LLCs for Real Estate Transactions
Commercial Real Estate Financing and Documentation: Borrower and Lender Perspectives
Keys to Understanding Land Records
The Fundamentals of Commercial Real Estate Bankruptcy
Key Elements of Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Pennsylvania Real Estate Law 101
Tennessee Real Estate Transaction Documents A-Z
Using LLCs to Invest in Real Estate
From Contract to Title: Steps Preceding the Real Estate Closing
Forming Real Estate LLC
Real Estate Closings: Advanced Issues and Answers
Commercial Real Estate Financing: Current Trends & Opportunities
Washington Real Estate Agent 1st Renewal Package 60 Hr.
Real Estate Transaction Strategies: Secrets of the Pros
The Attorney's Guide to Real Estate Closings
Using LLCs for Real Estate
Business Ethics Essentials
Project Management Ethics and Values
Ethics and Trust Video Collection
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (PMI® Standard-aligned)
Ethics and Project Management PMI
Complete Guide to California Cal OSHA Workplace Health and Safety Regulations
Program Management and Ethics (PMI® Second Edition)
Workplace Ethics & Code of Conduct
Essential Marketing Strategies
Recruiting Screening and Onboarding Effectively
Agile Project Management Fundamentals (PMI_ACP)® aligned
Agile Practitioner - (PMI-ACP & ScrumMaster aligned)
Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP
State - Local Government and Higher Education
Designing and Deploying Exchange Server 2016
tiquette professionnelle et commerciale / Professionalism and Business Etiquette
Brazilian Portuguese HR Compliance
Regulations for Shipping Dangerous Goods by Sea
Business Essentials eLearning Library

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TrainUp.com is your one-stop source for the best virtual legal training and live courses nationwide. Start your search now and browse among 182 live instructor-led legal training classes near you, from the industry's best legal training companies such as NBI, Inc., Lorman Education, and Kaplan Financial TrainUp.com also lists more than 1270 self-paced online legal training courses, micro-learning videos, and eLearning bundles. If you have a team to train, we can conduct a course just for you. Check out our onsite on-site legal training page to request a custom virtual or in-person training quote today.

Request Legal On-Site Training. We bring the best instructors to you.
Law Courses and Workshops
Understanding the laws governing a company may include work conditions of employees, payment and benefit requirements, or gaining a more detailed grasp of contracts that many businesses have with clients, suppliers and more. Many industries have legal regulations and safety regulations that must be studied carefully. A growing range of legal tasks are often performed by lawyers and legal assistants. From labor and safety laws to environmental, data security, compliance regulations, safety, and even theft, are regulated by the law.
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- Legal training in Atlanta, GA
- Legal training in Toronto, ON
- Legal training in Vancouver, BC
Legal training covers numerous subjects in our society and workforce. The immense law topics under the legal umbrella can range from employees, compliance, and fair labor laws, to legal counsel, data privacy, and foreign trade. Legal training requires dedication to advanced education. If your dream is to become a Lawyer or practice law in any way, then you will need a four-year degree, plus additional years for advanced studies on federal, state, and local law.
Formal, practical legal training should take between 7 to 8 years to complete after you have graduated from high school. Once you obtain your bachelor’s degree, then start your advanced three years in law school, then you can apply to take the state bar exam. Even if you do not pass the bar exam the first time, there are stipulations that will allow you to take the exam more than once, which may vary by state.
Legal qualifications typically pertain to what state you are licensed to practice law in, although you can practice law in multiple states, having a license is required. Since legal matters are specific to each local, state, and federal approvals, it is important to have the proper legal qualifications and training. Fortunately, some legal courses are available to you online, through training providers who have relative courses for legal professionals to take advantage of.
Lawyers hold very high positions for a reason, their level of training and expertise is well earned. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, lawyers, on average earn over $120K per year once they have earned their degree. The number of jobs for this category is growing at a rate of 6 percent. If you are looking into what it takes to be a lawyer, your formal training will take between 7 to 8 years, and you are well on your way to averaging $58 USD per hour.
Most would agree that obtaining a law degree, legal certificate, or any legal training is difficult. Lawyers hold very high positions and the level of training and expertise that is required can be arduous. Given the fact that it can take up to 8 years to complete your education prior to passing the bar exam, the benefits of being a legal professional of any kind is no small feat. The education, training, and hard work will be worth the effort for you to become a Lawyer.
Legal Advisors are graduates with a bachelor’s degree in pre-law, or alike, who have taken the LSAT and applied to Law School. As a Legal Advisor, you are responsible for advising, mediating, and managing specialized legal areas for an organization. Most of these positions are within the government or private sector but typically will give you the opportunity to gain experience as you pursue law school and passing the bar exam.
Generally, a Certificate in Law allows students to obtain a certificate in concentrated subjects within the field of law. There are so many certificate programs available for law students to hone their knowledge in a specific area. Particularly, law students who have an ideal career can focus on legal areas such as international business law, tax law, environmental law, and financial compliance. A Certificate in Law is the opportunity to plug into the field you plan to apply your skills to.
A Certificate in Legal Studies are a series of courses that allow students to obtain a certificate in a concentrated subject to build legal knowledge. There are so many certificate programs available for students who are interested in legal studies since the courses focus more on developing career-oriented skills. Particularly, a Certificate in Legal Studies gives you an opportunity to learn how to apply your skills in the real world.
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