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Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008

This Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008 online course is offered multiple times in a variety of locations and training topics.

Course ID: 299657
Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II

This Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II online course is offered multiple times in a variety of locations and training topics.

Course ID: 296321

NetApp eLearning Courses & Videos

Course Title Duration Price Type
Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008
Course ID: 299657
Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008

This Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008 online course is offered multiple times in a variety of locations and training topics.

Debugging, Tracing, and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications with Visual Basic 2008
Course ID: 299657
120 minutes
Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II
Course ID: 296321
Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II

This Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II online course is offered multiple times in a variety of locations and training topics.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4: ASP.NET Applications with C# 2010 – Practice Lab II
Course ID: 296321
120 minutes
20      Per Page

View Live NetApp Classroom Courses Near You

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Classroom Live Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO467) Training Course Title

Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO467) is for experienced Ansible automation engineers, DevOps practitioners, and Linux system administrators seeking to deploy, control, and support centralized automation execution on a large scale. Students will use Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 to scale up Ansible automation. They will deploy automation controller to centrally manage automation workflows, automation mesh to scale up and distribute execution capacity, and private automation hub to manage Ansible Content Collections and automation execution environments for use by automation developers. Large scale automation cluster design and approaches to ensure high availability of Ansible Automation Platform will also be discussed. This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2....


Events: 5


5 Days



Classroom Live Enterprise Kubernetes Storage with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (DO370) Training Course Title

Teaches the essential skills required to design, implement, and manage a Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation cluster and perform day-to-day Kubernetes storage management tasks.Traditional storage options available to Kubernetes administrators are limited and lack flexibility and/or versatility. Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation provides real advantages, even when it is backed by cloud storage such as AWS EBS and sophisticated on-prem legacy storage like SAN arrays. Many companies rely on third-party solutions to manage backup and disaster recovery in production. However, proper planning to implement these solutions requires knowledge of the Kubernetes CSI and OAPD APIs. This course walks the student through the recommended steps of configuring and managing storage services for container and Kubernetes services....


Events: 2


5 Days



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