Course Description
''Our award-winning Harassment Prevention training course provides superior subject matter content in conjunction with excellent instructional design and compelling graphics.
The result is highly engaging and dynamic web-based training that both reduces workplace harassment and helps create affirmative defenses.
Course ObjectivesThe course is designed to instruct supervisors on how to identify potential problems related to discriminatory harassment and to follow your organization’s discriminatory harassment prevention policy.
Bottom line, our harassment training solution can help your organization reduce the amount of discriminatory harassment in the workplace as well as take advantage of the various affirmative defenses that are available in discrimination cases.
It also can help bring your organization into compliance with state laws, such as California''s sexual harassment training requirement, AB 1825.
Learning Outcomes:
- Sensitize supervisors to recognize discriminatory harassment
- Sensitize supervisors to their critical role in preventing discriminatory harassment in the workplace
- Emphasize the importance of proper documentation of workplace performance, and stress how proper documentation can play an important part in establishing legitimate reasons for workplace decisions
- Create a workplace where potential victims of discriminatory harassment can come forward without unlawful retaliation
- Obligate supervisors to follow your discriminatory harassment prevention policy and encourage the uniform enforcement of that policy
- Maintain effective communication emphasizing that an individual''s words may be received differently depending on the listener''s perspective
- Help create a greater self-awareness for supervisors to enable a better understanding of potential consequences of their actions
How The Course WorksIn the course, eleven scenarios are presented that illustrate a variety of discriminatory harassment themes that vividly re-enact situations that every employee could face.
Users are asked questions in each scenario through a number of office devices such as simulated e-mail and inter-office memos. Correct and incorrect answers are explained.
The course can be customized to include a title screen that shows the organization''s name, logo, harassment policy, and any other pertinent information.

A statement from a high level executive also can be included utilizing digital audio, video technology, text, and/or pictures.
The course also can be tied to any learning management system.
Our KudosThis course won Human Resource Executive''s Top 10 Training Award. The course has been approved by the EEOC and used by the United States Department of Justice.
The course is AB 1825 compliant - that means if complies with California''s sexual harassment training requirement.
Please contact us using the link below if you have questions on customizing the course, need discounted pricing for training your entire staff, or have other questions.
This course is also available in an
Employee Version''