Log Queries and Database Commands with LINQ to Entities
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can use requests for easier logging of the database operations that are executing. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to log queries and database commands with LINQ to Entities.
Table Per Hierarchy Data Models with Entity Framework
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can use a derived base class to share properties across entities. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the MapInheritedProperties operation to map inherited properties from the base class.
Table Per Type Data Models with Entity Framework
You can use Microsoft Entity Framework to deal with one of the more complex scenarios in object relational mapping – dealing with object inheritance hierarchies. Inheritance can be implemented using the code-first approach or the database-first approach. In this video; Hilton Giesenow discusses the table per type data models.
.NET Assembly Interning for Production Environments
In Microsoft Entity Framework; the .NET Framework's interning feature allows you to share assemblies across multiple servers and applications using symbolic links; reducing both memory requirements and load time. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to identify interning opportunities and intern eligible assemblies using the aspnet_intern.exe tool.
Building Web Sites and APIs with Entity Framework
Microsoft Entity Framework simplifies data access by integrating with ASP.NET MVC and Web API applications to handle database interaction. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to generate and configure the scaffolding for an application's MVC and Web API controllers.
Code-Based Configuration
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can build; deploy; and manage applications through an open and flexible entity framework cloud platform. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to configure an entity framework data provider for the cloud.
Code-First Entity Framework From an Existing Database
Microsoft Entity Framework supports building Database-First and Code-First Entity models. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to build Code-First Entity models around existing databases by adding an ADO.NET Entity Data Model and by reverse engineering a Code-First Entity model.
Concurrency in Entity Framework
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can configure your system to deliver an alert whenever there's a possibility of concurrency errors; for example; when users are editing properties simultaneously. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to handle concurrency in Entity Framework.
Connection Resiliency Features
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can make use of some of the default execution strategies to get connection resiliency. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses SQLAzureExecutionStrategy to explore how exceptions are handled automatically.
Creating a DbContext Using an Open Connection
In Microsoft Entity Framework; multiple contexts can share a single SQL connection to reduce the resource load on the actual server. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses a Boolean value to indicate if a context owns a connection.
Custom Code Generation in Entity Framework
Microsoft Entity Framework's Entity Designer and Entity Framework Power Tools generate EDMX-format ADO.NET Entity models. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to customize code generated for an Entity model using a T4 code-generation strategy in Visual Studio.
Database Migrations (Basic)
You can use Microsoft Entity Framework to handle database migration either automatically or by creating a database manually. You can also update databases as needed. Using Entity Framework is useful because it ensures that it handles changes to the database over time; just as it built the database initially. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to perform database migrations.
Dependency Resolution in Entity Framework
In Microsoft Entity Framework; the dependency resolver capability is one way to change internal dependencies. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the built-in SingletonDependecyResolver to resolve specific dependencies inside of Entity Framework.
Downloading; Installing; and Updating Entity Framework
When working with Microsoft Entity Framework; you must ensure that you reference it appropriately. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses Package Managers to download;install; and update Microsoft Entity Framework.
Entity Caching in Entity Framework
Microsoft Entity Framework supports entity caching through the DbContext; which allows database entities to be tracked; retrieved; updated; reattached; and saved. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to track; update; reattach; and save DbContext entities to the database.
Entity Change Tracking
Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to easily track any changes made to entities and their properties; and manage these changes within the database. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to implement Entity Framework change tracking.
Implementing Custom Code-First Conventions
When you're using the code-first approach with Microsoft Entity Framework; you can easily customize certain default configurations for the created model. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the implementation of custom code-first conventions in Entity Framework.
Implementing Custom Code-First Database Mappings
When working with Microsoft Entity Framework; you can easily implement custom code-first database mappings. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the two methods that can be used for performing this task: by decorating a class with attributes or by centralizing the actual database schema configurations inside of the model.
Implementing Custom Pluralization and Singularization
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can implement custom pluralization and singularization properties to suit the requirements of your entries. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to implement custom pluralization and singularization properties with Entity Framework.
Implementing Transactions with Entity SQL
Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to simplify Entity SQL execution; creation; updating; and deletion operations by applying them within the context of a single transaction. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to implement transactions with Entity SQL using Entity Framework.
Implementing Transactions with LINQ To Entity Commands
In Microsoft Entity Framework; transactions are an essential part of working with data to ensure that operations are consistently applied. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to manage and apply transactions with LINQ to Entity commands using a bank account as an example.
Integrating Entity Framework with WCF
Microsoft Entity Framework supports the integration of Entity data models with WCF services. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to build and define services making use of the Entity Framework data model and share them across multiple projects.
Integrating Entity Framework with Web API
Microsoft Entity Framework supports interceptors that define methods called when an entity performs an action. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to use interceptors derived from an interceptor class to act on data saved; updated; or deleted from a database.
NGEN and Entity Framework Assemblies
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can reference the Entity Framework libraries to speed up the actual load time of your application. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the ngen.exe tool to generate a native image for the EntityFramework and EntityFramework.SqlServer DLL libraries.
Pre-generating Views to Improve Performance
Microsoft Entity Framework supports the precompilation of an application's query and update views; reducing its startup costs. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to use Entity Framework's Power Tools feature to generate fresh views for an amended Entity model.
Preparing for Production Configurations
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can perform live configuration-setting changes to prepare an application for production. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the transform command to set a new value for an existing attribute.
Reading Data with Entity SQL
In Microsoft Entity Framework; Entity SQL is a text based style of querying data. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates Entity SQL functionality; and provides examples on how to execute SQL queries.
Reading Data with LINQ To Entities
Microsoft Entity Frameworks allows data to be read to Entities with LINQ. This is done through the use of SQL databases; SQL queries; and operators. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to read and write data with Microsoft Entity Frameworks.
Under the Covers – Connection; Command; and Reader
In Microsoft Entity Framework; there are a number of ways to query data in the SQL database; including Connection; DataReader; and Command. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates these methods for querying data; allowing you to be more explicit about underlying SQL queries.
Understanding DbContext vs. ObjectContext
Microsoft Entity Framework provides two types of containers; the objectContext and the DbContext; that allow you to access and manage your databases. In this video; Hilton Giesenow discusses the applications of these two containers within the Entity Framework.
Understanding Deferred Query Execution
In Microsoft Entity Framework; Deferred Query Execution is a key concept within the framework. It can be particularly useful when using LINQ to Entities queries for Entity Framework. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the core features of this process and the impact that it has on code.
Understanding IQueryable vs. IEnumerable
In Microsoft Entity Framework; when working with LINQ to Entities as part of Entity Framework; you need to be aware of LINQ types and the repercussions that these can have on your application. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to implement IQueryable and IEnumerable types using LINQ to Entities.
Understanding Lazy and Eager Loading
Two important concepts in Entity Framework are Lazy and Eager Loading. Lazy Loading is the default setting and is useful in accessing properties without a value from the SQL Database; but can have a major impact on performance. In this video; Hilton Giesenow explains the differences between Lazy and Eager Loading.
Understanding the EF Modeling Languages
Microsoft Entity Framework capabilities allow for the easy translation between the object and relational worlds; as well as the conversion of your application or query intentions into explicit SQL statements. In this video; Hilton Giesenow discusses the roles of the modeling languages involved in these functions of the Entity Framework.
Unit Testing When Using Entity Framework
Microsoft Entity Framework supports unit testing through a data context using in-memory data. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to build an ASP.NET MVC controller using a repository-type pattern; against which he tests the logic of an operation.
Updating Data with Entity SQL
The Microsoft Entity Framework can be used as a method to update data in a SQL Server database. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to use Entity SQL to update data in a database; including different methods for accomplishing this.
Updating Data with LINQ To Entities
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you are able to update data with LINQ to Entities; using operations and calls to execute data updates. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how LINQ to Entities is used to update and delete data for various entities.
Using a Code-First Approach to EF Modeling
The Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to use three different approaches for modeling. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the code-first approach to Entity Framework modelling.
Using a Database-First Approach to EF Modeling
The Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to use three different approaches for modeling. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the database-first approach to Entity Framework modeling.
Using a Model-First Approach to EF Modeling
The Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to use three different approaches for modeling. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the model-first approach to Entity Framework modeling.
Using Functions with LINQ To Entities
In Microsoft Entity Framework; a number of functions can be used when working with LINQ Entities allowing for complex functions to be easily streamlined and translated. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates the use of various functions within LINQ and SQL server.
Using Initializers and Factories
Microsoft Entity Framework supports a background DbContext initialization process that ensures that the database and runtime models match. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates Entity Framework's three out-of-the-box initializers; creates an initializer; turns off initialization; and implements the IDatabaseInitializer interface.
Using Stored Procedures with LINQ To Entities
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can use stored procedures using a number of different approaches. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to use the Model or Database First and Code First approaches when using stored procedures with Entity Framework.
Validation in the DbContext
Microsoft Entity Framework supports the native validation of DbContext entities on the client and server sides. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to use Entity Framework data annotation; Fluent API; DbContext-level; and IValidatableObject interface validation methods.
What is the Entity Framework
The Microsoft Entity Framework is one of the leading object relational mappers in .NET; allowing you to easily map between the object oriented and the relational database worlds. In this video; Hilton Giesenow discusses the applications of the Microsoft Entity Framework.
Working with Asynchronous Entity SQL Commands
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can use asynchronous operations to implement EntitySqlCommands or use entity commands to update the backend data source. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to interpret asynchronous and synchronous operations for direct commands in a database.
Working with Asynchronous LINQ To Entities Commands
In Microsoft Entity Framework; through LINQ to Entities; the Entity Framework provides methods you can use to make backend database interaction asynchronous. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates asynchronous methods; including FindAsync; FirstAsync; SingleOrDefaultAsync; ToListAsync; AsyncReadOperations; and AsyncWriteOperations.
Working with DbSet.AddRange/RemoveRange
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can batch calls together to reduce the number of input/output calls that you need to make. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the AddRange method to pass in an IEnumerable set of entities that is operated on simultaneously.
Working with Non-Microsoft Databases
Microsoft Entity Framework supports the Microsoft SQL Server; Oracle; SQL CE; and SQLite database management systems. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses the Setinitializer method to turn off database migration because not all database management systems support migration.
Working with SQL Azure
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can automatically re-connect to a SQL Azure database. In this video; Hilton Giesenow uses an execution strategy to automatically retry to connect to the database when an exception occurs.
Working with the Entity Framework Power Tools
When using Microsoft Entity Framework within Visual Studio; you can utilize the Entity Framework Power Tools to improve your Visual Studio experience of working with Entity Framework. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how to work with the tools to; for example; generate a code-first model or reverse-engineer a database.
Getting Started With Entity Framework
This course introduces Entity Framework and its modeling concepts and approaches, and demonstrates how to use it to read data from and write data to a database.
- start the course
- define the Entity Framework
- install and update Entity Framework
- define the three components that constitute an Entity Framework model
- compare the DbContext and Object contexts
- use entity tracking and caching
- describe Entity Framework's approach to concurrency
- read data from a database using LINQ To Entities
- add new records to a database using LINQ To Entities
- use database functions in LINQ To Entities queries and statements
- use stored procedures with LINQ To Entities to read and update a database
- implement distributed or explicit transactions with LINQ To Entity commands
- distinguish between the IQueryable and IEnumerable interfaces
- describe how entities are validated at Insert and Update time
- work with Entity Framework's database interaction components
- read data from a database using Entity SQL
- update a database using Entity SQL
- implement distributed or explicit transactions with Entity SQL commands
- implement Entity Framework components using a Database-First approach
- implement Entity Framework components using a Model-First approach
- implement Entity Framework components using a Code-First approach
- override mappings for Code-First Entity Framework models
- use the Code-First approach for an existing database
- implement custom conventions when using a Code-First approach
- implement custom pluralization and singularization of entity and collection names in Entity Framework
- work with out-of-band Entity Framework Power Tools from Microsoft
- perform database migrations in Entity Framework
- use the Table-per-Type approach to create an Entity Framework data model
- use the Table-per-Class approach to create an Entity Framework data model
- use the Table-per-Hierarchy approach to create an Entity Framework data model
- use the code-first modeling approach and execute queries with Entity Framework
Advanced Entity Framework
This course explains and demonstrates how to integrate Entity Framework in a web project, how to improve and tune performance in various scenarios, how to configure Entity Framework, and how to work with other database types.
- start the course
- connect to a SQL Azure database with Entity Framework
- recognize the default connection resiliency features of Entity Framework
- use Entity Framework with non-Microsoft databases
- override default context initializers and factories with custom ones in Entity Framework
- intercept calls to and responses from the database
- configure Entity Framework using code instead of a config file
- transform configuration files per environment in Entity Framework
- use Entity Framework to generate entities and customize code generation
- describe dependency resolution in Entity Framework
- work with LINQ To Entity's asynchronous commands
- work with Entity SQL's asynchronous commands
- use deferred execution with LINQ To Entities
- analyze various ways to log Entity Framework database queries and commands
- learn how Entity Framework tracks the existence of entities to reduce database queries and handle updates
- recognize the impact of lazy loading
- use DbSet.AddRange and DbSet.RemoveRange to improve performance
- use an existing connection to create a new DbContext
- describe the use of NGEN in .NET
- work with views in Entity Framework
- use .NET assembly interning for Entity Framework deployments
- integrate Entity Framework into an ASP.NET MVC and Web API project
- integrate Entity Framework into a WCF project
- implement unit testing of an application that uses Entity Framework
- perform performance tuning and asynchronous operations in Entity Framework
Table Per Class Data Models with Entity Framework
In Microsoft Entity Framework; you can implement inheritance using a table per hierarchy approach whereby the actual hierarchy of classes or entities in your application will be represented by a single table in the actual underlying database. In this video; Hilton Giesenow demonstrates how the table per class data model can be used when updating databases.