Course Description
The training will assist HR professionals with the latest best practices in hiring highly competitive talent and how to retain them as well.
One of the first steps is ensuring that your organization is perceived as inclusive; this will go far in helping potential candidates feel comfortable in their new role.
Before developing a diversity recruitment plan, it is preferred that organizational leaders understand that according to research conducted by Tavakoli (2015) "As organizations evolve, diversity and inclusion are becoming more integral to cultivating strong leaders and strong organizations" (p.47).
It is this notion of cultivation that managers and supervisor need to understand and access within their units. Perhaps the biggest challenge to diversity within the workplace is not cultivating or know how to cultivate a culture of inclusion and diversity.
This where it is pivotal that leaders adopt the advice of Livernois (2016) who suggested that with the expansion of technology and accessibility into global markets, leaders have to be "culturally and emotionally intelligent and geographically savvy" (p. 1). The first phase is to conduct a climate assessment of your area to ensure the working conditions are conducive to cultivating diversity and inclusion as opposed to lip service.
According to Higginbottom (2016) "We are now facing a workplace where in theory, many employers could have employees ranging from 18 to 80 in the workplace. This has huge implications for employers regarding managing the needs and expectations of Millennials, Generation X and the Baby Boomers" (para 1.) Based on her assumption, many employers are dealing with employees that cover a wide range of beliefs, work ethics, and organizational commitment.
For example, in today's workforce, it is not uncommon to find employees that represent veterans (1939-1947), Baby Boomers (1948-1963), Generation X (1964-1978) and Millennials (1979-1991). Not to mention, the rise of Centennials and a new generation, labeled Generation Z, who will enter the workforce in the five years. Perhaps the most vocal of generation mentioned are Millennials.
As Perruci (2011) noted, "Millennials have been particularly vocal in demanding a role in setting the agenda within organizations, and even in the political system" (p.83). It is interesting that Perruci gives a warning to employers who would disregard the power of Millennials regarding leadership and "fellowship."
To Millennials, followers have been empowered by technology, education, and new roles of communication through social media which gives them an active voice and role in "negotiating their space in the leadership process" (p. 83).
Citing Deloitte's research, more than 40 percent of leaders in business are not capable or ready to confront current talent and Human resources analytics. Also when companies make it appear that they are doing the candidate is a favor by interviewing them, it may run them away due to a poor interview experience.
One of the most critical skills that a recruiter can have is building a rapport with hiring managers, in other words, they should work as a team.
Why should you Attend: The need for creative solutions to diversity and inclusion challenges are lacking because of the negative images associated with diversity hiring in which negative perception existed, thinking that minorities where hired based solely on race and not job qualifications.
This belief was exaggerated during several elections and on college campuses were Affirmative Action policies were challenged and in some states where overturned.
Fugère, Cathey, Beetham, Haynes, and Schaedler, (2016) research indicated that respondents identified affirmative action policies with bias/inequality/discrimination," "unfairness," and "racism/prejudice."
Also, reverse discrimination was considered more likely under Affirmative Action policies than Diversity Policy in perception.
For active recruitment, HR professionals should process the following competencies which go beyond the traditional view of diversity.These include: Systemic Thinking: See connections and interrelationships across disciplines, functions, organizations, and cultures allow for innovative, sustainable solutions.
Strategic Insight: Identify root causes to entrenched problems and develop clear, simple, targeted approaches that pave a path toward a solution.
Influence: Understand what motivates others and design approaches to leverage those motivators; despite hidden/inherent resistance, or even apathy.
Areas Covered in the Session: Successful recruitment relies on the recruiter having an open mind and having several necessary competencies being able to relate and understand the challenges that diverse candidates face on a daily basis which may not be prevalent in the majority culture.
As the results of Huffman, Watrous-Rodriguez, and King (2013) pointed out managerial or supervisory support of employees, had a significant influence on job satisfaction than co-workers or the organization. In contrast, they concluded that co-workers had more influence on the employee's life satisfaction than their supervisor did.
The key to being successful as a recruiter creating a funnel for sharing recruitment ideas.For example:
Gain Community Support: garner community support for a diverse workforce; when a candidate comes for a site visit, create opportunities to visit with or meet with people from the community; set up a community advisory council to help with non-institutional issues such as schools, faith-based organizations, cultural events, and demographics
Cluster Hiring: A major issue faced by a large number of minorities are feelings of isolation and overload (the only Asian or African-American) when they are not connected to a support system within the organization or community. The advantage of cluster hiring is having a cohort of flexible and dynamic minority appointees well suited to the challenges facing a new job in a changing environment (Rutgers University, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin- Madison; Florida State University)
Look at Shared Funding Opportunities: For example, Oregon State University/Oregon University System provides a maximum of $60,000 per award to support up to 75% of the appointees' salary for up to two years
Mentoring Programs: Research shows that mentoring programs are highly effective in professional development; especially among junior faculty and staff. For example, Duke University strengthened its mentoring culture and made it a priority. Virginia Tech has an active mentoring program to support women and minorities who are generally more likely than majority faculty to see academia as "Chilly" and alienating."
Exit Interviews: As with climate assessments, use of internal exit interviews can provide you with excellent feedback as to the reason(s) individuals exit an organization. The question of why faculty and staff of color are leaving is an important question to ask. A voluntary portion of an exit interview can include a survey for staff and faculty members to explain why they are leaving. Information gather should be used to revisit and or revamp recruitment and retention efforts
Growth and Decline Stats: To be more transparent, organizations should be upfront about its successes and failure with recruiting a diverse workforce. Recruitment and retention initiatives should be marketed; where efforts have not been successful, the organization should state their commitment to changing the culture, perception and publicize its strides to become more inclusive and diverse
Course Audience:
- Supervisors
- Managers
- Executives
- Those with Human Resources Responsibilities
• Supervisors
• Managers
• Executives
• Those with Human Resources Responsibilities