Anti-Harassmen Chapter 1 -- Why Anti-Harassment Training?
This is Anti-Harassment, Chapter 1 by Informed Workplace. Workplace
harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and bullying can devastate a business
and the individuals involved, culturally, financially, and legally. And,
depending on state law, harassing or discriminatory conduct may expose managers
and even employees to individual or personal liability along with the employer.
Here's what we have foun Employers and employees don't know what they don't
know. They don't always know what the law says they should or shouldn't say, or
do, in the workplace. They don't know all of the protected classes and
therefore, how to determine whether a joke, or a comment, or an action they are
about to take is appropriate. They think that because employees are at-will,
they can be hired and fired for any and all reasons. Here's what's key to kno
not everything is a matter of common sense like we think it is. There's more to
it than that.It is highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment chapters be
viewed in order. This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed
status in the learning management system, you must view the video in its
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 2a -- The Protected Zone, Part 1
This is Anti-Harassment, Chapter 2a by Informed Workplace. In order for
workplace harassment, discrimination, or retaliation to be illegal, at a
minimum, it must involve a protected class. Both federal and state laws prohibit
us from taking actions based on someone’s membership in a protected class or to
harass them, or allow harassment of them, because of their protected class. What
are the protected classes? There is a list, which will be covered over the next
two chapters. In this chapter, we will take a look at four of the federally
protected classe religion, national origin, disability, and pregnancy.It is
highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment chapters be viewed in order. This
program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the learning
management system, you must view the video in its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 2b -- The Protected Zone Part 2
This is Anti-Harassment, Chapter 2b of eight by Informed Workplace. In the
previous chapter we discussed religion, national origin, disability, and
pregnancy. In this chapter we discuss the rest of the list of
federally-protected classe race, color, age, sex, and genetic information. It
is highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment chapters be viewed in order.
This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the
learning management system, you must view the video in its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 3a -- What is Harassment and Discrimination
This is Anti-Harassment, Chapter 3a of eight by Informed Workplace. Not every
inappropriate thing that takes place in the workplace is illegal. In Chapter 3a,
we answer several very specific questions, which also happen to be the most
frequently asked questions we hear from both employees, and manager What kind
of speech or conduct in the workplace is considered to be illegal harassment or
discrimination? And what exactly is a hostile work environment? Doesn't it have
to be unwelcome? To answer our questions, we will discuss what the courts see as
the difference between merely inappropriate behavior and truly harassing
behavior. We will look at the severe and pervasive standard as well to help us
understand when the behavior of others has crossed the proverbial line.It is
highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment chapters be viewed in order. This
program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the learning
management system, you must view the video in its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 3b -- Examples of Harassment and Discrimination
This is Anti-Harassment, Chapter 3b of eight by Informed Workplace. We cover a
lot of ground in Chapter 3b. In this chapter we talk about things like, when is
a touch or a hug -- if ever -- harassing or discriminatory, and is it legal to
compliment a coworker or even date them? What about off-site conduct -- what
kind of behavior is appropriate, or not, at a company-sponsored function or at
dinner with customers at a trade show?It is highly recommended that the
Anti-Harassment chapters be viewed in order. This program does not include a
quiz. To achieve a completed status in the learning management system, you must
view the video in its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 4 -- Determining if Harassment Exists
This is Anti-Harassment Chapter 4 of eight by Informed Workplace. Many people
believe that these kinds of complaints are so subjective and that anyone and
everyone can make and win a claim for harassment or discrimination. These are
myths. Claims of this nature are not determined on a whim. There are
predetermined standards used to objectively assess a set of facts and determine
if illegal harassment, discrimination, or retaliation took place. We assess
these situations using the reasonable person standard and look closely at the
context and intent of the parties. In Chapter 4 we also spend some time on
workplace bullying, a concept not yet illegal in this country, but one that many
employers are choosing to prohibit just as they do harassment and discrimination
involving a protected class.It is highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment
chapters be viewed in order. This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a
completed status in the learning management system, you must view the video in
its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 5 -- Employer/Employee Responsibilities
This is Anti-Harassment Chapter 5 of eight by Informed Workplace. Chapter 5 is
pretty straightforward. When is an employer liable for harassment and
discrimination, and what are their responsibilities to employees once they have
knowledge of such speech or conduct? Knowledge on the part of the employer, as
we will discuss, is crucial. We will also discuss what to do if and when you
believe you are the victim of harassment or discrimination, or retaliation; who
to complain to, when, and how. And what happens if you don’t complain?It is
highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment chapters be viewed in order. This
program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the learning
management system, you must view the video in its entirety.
Anti-Harassmen Chapter 6 -- Response to Complaints
This is Anti-Harassment Chapter 6 of eight by Informed Workplace. When an
employee complains to their employer that they have a good faith belief that
harassment, discrimination, and or retaliation is taking place, they have a
right to expect several things from their employer, and fellow co-workers. In
this chapter we will discuss when and how employers should go about conducting
investigations, how to protect an employee's confidentiality, and what to do to
ensure that no one is retaliated against. We will also discuss what to expect
from an employer if they determine that a complaint filed was false or
frivolous. We round out this Chapter 6 with some practical recommendations for
all to stay out of trouble.It is highly recommended that the Anti-Harassment
chapters be viewed in order. This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a
completed status in the learning management system, you must view the video in
its entirety.
Anti-Harassment Training: Profiling Offenders and Targets
Welcome to Biz News, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this segment, ‘Profiling Offenders and Targets,’ anchor Cheyenne Stirling reports about descriptive demographics pertaining to offenders and targets involving harassment. It’s important to note this disclaimer: Target and offender demographics are only generalities. No one’s likely to fit all the details, and workplace trends can change based on the industry and location. Still, these trends can aid employers as they try to protect their employees and identify and prevent inappropriate behavior. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Employer Best Practices
Welcome to Coworker Clash, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘Employer Best Practices – Harassment,’ guests representing their employers compete to identify key words pertaining to the creation and dissemination of anti-harassment policies in the workplace. Viewers will learn salient tips about how to communicate a sexual harassment policy and getting the organization on board with that policy. By understanding and applying these best practices effectively, viewers will help their organizations become healthier, happier places to work. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Cultural Red Flags
Welcome to Detecting Dysfunction, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! For this video lesson, ‘Cultural Red Flags,’ viewers like you sent in video clips of dysfunctional behavior they witnessed at work. In these clips, viewers will see everything from stereotyping to oppressive leadership. The host will provide comments and help learners understand why these issues create a negative culture. By knowing what NOT to do, you can make your workplace one that is free of harassment and inappropriate behavior. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Common Concerns
Welcome to Harassment Hotline, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! This video lesson, ‘Common Concerns,’ invites callers to ask questions that aren’t typically addressed in workplace training and other common resources. Viewers will have the chance to learn how to navigate consensual workplace relationships as well as why it’s important not to treat people any differently based on their gender. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: The Cursing-Harassment Connection
Welcome to Harassment Hotline, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! This video lesson, ‘The Cursing Harassment Connection,’ establishes the fact that cursing can, in fact, be considered harassment. Throughout this lesson, callers will phone in to ask about the effect of bad language at work, ways to prevent people from using profanity on the job, and recommendations for dealing with workplace cursing. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Classifying the Oblivious Manager
Welcome to Planet Work, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! This video lesson, ‘Classifying the Oblivious Manager,’ provides the audience with an insider’s perspective on why leaders may be unaware of harassment happening in their own organizations. By learning these causes, viewers will know how to facilitate open communication and awareness and prevent harassment from slipping through the cracks. Ultimately, viewers will have a better understanding of the environment they work in. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Responding to Workplace Violence
Welcome to BizLibrary TV! This PSA on Responding to Workplace Violence conveys OSHA's steps for preventing workplace violence and provides recommendations on how to fulfill those requirements. In addition, viewers will learn how to appropriately respond when workplace violence does occur. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: How to Avoid Being an Offender
Welcome to Steps to Success, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘How to Avoid Being an Offender,’ viewers will learn critical tips for complaint-proofing themselves. Recommendations include avoiding victim humor, controlling alcohol consumption, and simply being nice, among others. When it comes down to it, it’s easy to stay away from the line. It’s all a matter of common sense. As long as viewers follow the suggestions conveyed in this lesson, they shouldn’t have to worry about being an offender. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Consequences of Bad Language
Welcome to The Hot Seat, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘Consequences of Bad Language,’ Judge Julie Keating describes the three types of cursing and explains how each might relate to harassment. Ultimately, Judge Keating has to decide whether the defendant’s profane language constitutes harassment. Watch this lesson to discover her verdict. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye
Anti-Harassment Training: Ramifications of Mishandling Sexual Harassment
Welcome to The Hot Seat, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, 'Ramifications of Mishandling Sexual Harassment,' Judge Julie Keating will determine whether the defendant, Professionals Collective, Inc., has the right values, processes, and training in place to adequately deal with harassment situations. Judge Keating will make this decision based on the testimony of the plaintiff, who claims his complaint wasn't appropriately handled, and the plaintiff's supervisor, who insists she did everything required by the organization's policy. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Establishing a Culture of Civility
Welcome to The Working World, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘Establishing a Culture of Civility,’ employees at Professionals Collective learn about the importance of having a respectful and harassment-free work culture. Through the employees’ experiences and reflections, viewers will see how creating a civil workplace involves leadership setting a good example and teaching intervention skills to employees. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Why Targets Don't Come Forward
Welcome to The Working World, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘Why Targets Don’t Come Forward,’ harassment consultant Sondra Callahan explains to employees at Professionals Collective the common reasons why people remain silent about inappropriate behavior they experience and/or witness at work. From fear of retaliation to a broken complaint process, there are, unfortunately, quite a few reasons why targets don’t come forward. But, by learning about them, viewers will be able to develop and enforce effective policies and empower their employees to speak up! This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with California law, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Sexual Harassment 101
Welcome to The Biz Buzz, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! This video lesson, ‘Sexual Harassment 101,’ defines sexual harassment in legal terms and states examples of what constitutes sexual harassment. In this lesson, learners will also learn why, in general, people are motivated to harass others. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Complaint Procedure Guidelines
Welcome to Biz News, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this segment, ‘Complaint Procedure Guidelines,’ HR consultant Lars Murphy describes the required elements for complaint procedures. Viewers will learn essential elements, including the necessity of a prompt investigation and the details of the documentation process. After watching this informative segment, viewers will be able to create effective, fair, and streamlined complaint procedures. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: HR Responsibilities
Welcome to Biz News, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! Today’s broadcast addresses, on an organizational scale, HR Responsibilities when it comes to workplace harassment, as well as the supervisor's role in reporting and addressing sexual harassment. Viewers will also learn about disciplinary measures, target responsibilities, and employee liability. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Training: Recommendations for Investigations
Welcome to Biz News, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! Today's broadcast discusses Recommendations for Investigations in response to harassment claims. In addition to becoming familiar with the investigation process, viewers will learn about retaliation, investigation documentation, and the importance of conducting fair and consistent investigations. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.
Anti-Harassment Overview
Welcome to the “Anti-Harassment Overview” video lesson, which introduces the topic of harassment and thoroughly discusses sexual harassment in particular. This lesson first describes the elements and primary types of harassment before discussing what is classified as illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The rest of the video lesson deals with sexual harassment. Specifically, what constitutes it, how it can happen, what the viewer should do if they are experiencing or witnessing sexual harassment, and what happens when a complaint has been filed.