The Golden Rule of Resilience
Resiliency to change is a matter of limiting stress by controlling more of what you can and letting go of what you can't control.
How to Stay Calm
Learning to stay calm means learning to balance the on–off button in your nervous system.
Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep
When you wake up in the middle of the night with your mind going 90 miles per hour, left nostril breathing gets you back to sleep fast.
Controlling Emotions
Embrace your emotions, but don't let them totally control your reactions and decisions.
Scenario Planning
When you're heading into unchartered territory and trepidation sets in, scenario planning alleviates anxiety and empowers you to press onward no matter how enormous the job ahead is.
The Social Media Diet
The only way to strengthen emotional connections and make good business decisions in a virtual world is to go on a social media diet.
Tame Your Anxiety
Fixating on yourself can make anxiety turn into a monster but focusing on others has a calming effect.
Three Questions to Lessen Anxiety
Define your anxiety and you lessen its power over you.
How to Feel Less Nervous
Putting your own special twist on a presentation can actually make you less nervous.
Receiving Feedback
Receiving feedback with a positive attitude and growth mindset is preferable to acting defensively.
Reduce Anxiety by Breathing
Feeling stressed? Skip the deep breath and try to blow a bubble instead.
Understanding Emotional Alignment
As a leader you set the emotional tone. Be aware of your own emotions, acknowledge how others feel, and look for ways to help them feel pride, caring, excitement, even humor.
Managing Anxiety at Work
Anxiety can be managed at work with a few crucial tips.
Managing Social Energy
Heading to an extrovert-oriented event? Prepare ahead to manage your energy level.
Prepare Like an Athlete
The preparation puts the athlete in the right states of mind and body. You can use the same techniques to prepare for meetings and sales calls.
How to Control Stress
You can attenuate stress if you prepare for it ahead of time. When stress does hit, pay attention to your reaction.
How to Become More Resilient
Replace negative voices in your head with positive voices. Say positive things to others; that boosts your energy. Be physical; swing your arms. Being slightly out of breath puts blood in your brain. Tell jokes. Choose the space, light and temperature you work in.
Reduce Stress in Your Office
By introducing a few subtle practices that reduce stress for others, leaders are able to lessen the overall level of stress in the office, including their own stress level.
Stop Overthinking
People have as many as 70,000 thoughts per day, many of them negative. Gisele Shelley shares a simple but life-changing model for taking control of your thoughts.
Stress: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Stress can motivate and energize us, but it can also produce depression, Crohn’s disease, gastrointestinal problems, heart attacks, and strokes; 80-90 percent of all illnesses have a basis in stress. Stress can also worsen the symptoms of people who are already sick.
Handling Unexpected Stress
Stress snowballs. If you start to feel stress, act quickly. Deep breathing convinces your body it’s not being stressed. Drinking cool water hydrates you and allows the blood to flow, so you can think more clearly. Standing and stretching helps get rid of tension.
Handle Stress with SOS
The first S is Situation. How can you eliminate or reduce the things that are causing stress? The O asks if you are sleeping, eating, exercising well, and taking a break from stress, all in a healthy rhythm. The last S is Support. Who can you talk to?
Types of Stressful Events
The four categories of stress are 1) things that are anticipated, such as marriage; 2) cumulative things, such as conflicts between co-workers; 3) unexpected things, such as an accident; and 4) personality, which colors the way we deal with the other three areas.
The Importance of Self Understanding and Awareness
If we detach ourselves and try to see our own motives, we can see things in different ways.
Feed the Dog, Not the Wolf
A medicine man counseling a young man observed that a dog is trustworthy, loving, gentle, and kind, while a wolf is vicious, ruthless, and angry. Both are fighting inside you. Which one will you feed? Which will become stronger? Feed the dog, both in yourself and others.
Embrace Whatever Comes Along
We feel stress when the universe doesn’t behave the way we want. Accept whatever happens to you. Embrace it joyfully. That doesn’t mean you don’t do anything, only that you accept that you don’t have control. Actions are within your control, but outcomes are not.
Mindfulness Practice with AIM
“Mind time” can alter the shape and structure of the brain. Ten minutes can make a difference in your ability to focus, control emotions, empathize, and adapt your behavior.
The Third Mindfulness Capacity: Meta-awareness
Meta-awareness practice is a conscious act of tuning into everything that’s happening to and around you by concentrating your energy and focus on the present. Without awareness, change cannot occur.
Adversity and Opportunity
As humans, we’re all fragile. Somewhere in our personality, our persona, lies an area of insecurity, of doubt. How do you overcome something that has been so trying, so difficult?
How to Regain Control When Under Attack
Instead of letting your instincts control you, give your body four seconds to decide how to proceed.
Overcome Emotional Feelings
Focus on your physical feelings to take power away from your emotional feelings.
Psychological Power
Psychological power is not about power over others; it’s about power over yourself — the ability to self regulate so you can bring out your best self. Psychological power is related to creativity and positive mood, so you can feel good about yourself.
Controlling Emotions
To control emotions, stop, think, act, and rewire.