Backup Strategies
In Oracle Database 12c; there are several different backup strategies available to you within the RMAN technology. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the switch command to restore incrementally updated disk backups.
RAC Administration - Application Continuity Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Application Continuity works and its benefits.
Assessing Recovery Requirements
An initial assessment of your organization's recovery requirements will allow you to tailor a data protection plan and maximize Oracle Database 12c's complete backup-and-recovery solution. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to identify recovery requirements around data criticality based on RPO and RTO key requirements; and how to assess both physical and logical data protection requirements.
Asynchronous and Synchronous I/O Bottlenecks in RMAN
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use commands in the dictionary view to detect asynchronous and synchronous I/O bottlenecks in RMAN. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN v$backup_asynch_io and v$backup_synch_io tables to look up information dealing with I/O issues.
Automatic Diagnostic Workflow
In Oracle Database 12c; Recovery Manager (RMAN) features Automatic Diagnostic Workflow (ADW) to automatically investigate and diagnose abnormal events within the system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the function and application of Automatic Diagnostic Workflow in RMAN.
Backing Up a Database Using RMAN in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
In Oracle Database 12c; you can backup a Database in NOARCHIVELOG mode using RMAN by shutting it down and restarting it in a mount state. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to natively shutdown a database which is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode from within RMAN; and restart it with the startup mount command.
Backing Up Recovery; Control and Other Database Files
In Oracle Database 12c; you can backup the recovery; control; and other database files using various commands to ensure all files in the Flash Recovery area; your ASM environment; and all trace files are secured against unexpected loss. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to backup these database elements.
Backing up the RMAN Recovery Catalog
In Oracle Database 12c; backing up the recovery catalog is much easier than backing up a regular database. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses RMAN to back up the recovery catalog.
Backup and Recovery Best Practices for Data Warehousing
In Oracle Database 12c; you have the advantage of dividing the full backup of a data warehouse across multiple days. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the backup database command to back up a data warehouse over a three day period.
Backup and Recovery Solutions
Oracle Database 12c allows you to use a range of backup and recovery solutions in its database management system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the Backup and Recovery Objective (RPO); the Recovery Time Objective (RTO); and the Oracle RMAN backup system.
Backup and Restore Requirements
In Oracle Database 12c; Recovery Manager (RMAN) is the backup and recovery utility of choice. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the RMAN backup solutions available within Oracle Database 12c and explores backup strategies.
Creating a Whole Database Backup
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a full database backup within RMAN. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the backup database command to create a backup set of everything in the database.
Backup and Restore Very Large Files
Oracle Database 12c introduces a new feature referred to as multi-file parallel section backups which allows you to backup very large files and image copies; as well as perform full and incremental backups substantially faster than before. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates multi-file parallel section backups.
Backup Compression
In Oracle Database 12c; Recovery Manager (RMAN) backups can be compressed to save space; allowing backups to be kept on disk for longer and resulting in faster restore operations. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the LOW; MEDIUM; HIGH; and BASIC backup compression ratio types and their uses.
Backup Sets and Image Copies
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create backup sets and image copies. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the backup as backupset command to create a backup set.
Best Practices for Restore and Recovery Performance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform various steps to optimize RMAN performance to enhance recovery and restore operations; and ensure a system recovers quickly. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the best practices for RMAN backup and recovery; which include setting memory accordingly; enabling media block recovery; and setting an adequate degree of parallelism.
Best Practices for Using the Flashback Database Feature
In Oracle Database 12c; you use the FLASHBACK DATABASE command to restore a database to a specific point. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates best practices for using FLASHBACK DATABASE; including managing the size of flashback logs; enabling a physical standby database to test flashback logging; and limiting the use of guaranteed restore points.
Complete and Incomplete Recovery
Oracle Database 12c allows you to perform either a complete recovery (recovering the database to the last transaction); or an incomplete recovery (recovery to a specific point in time; or recovery if there are files missing) should you experience a Media Failure. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the complete and incomplete recoveries are applied.
Configure RMAN Multiplexing to Improve Performance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can configure Recovery Manager (RMAN) multiplexing to improve the performance of the RMAN tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how RMAN multiplexing can determine the maximum open files per channel; as well as the number of files per set for a backup.
Configuring an Oracle 12c Database to Support Flashback
Oracle Database 12c's undo or flashback capabilities are controlled by the undo_management; undo_retention; and undo_tablespace parameters. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how undo parameters affect each other and Oracle Database 12c's flashback capabilities.
Configuring Flashback Database
In Oracle Database 12c; you can totally rewind the entire database thanks to a specific database operating mode called flashback database. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how you can undo any DML activity and most DDL activity once the database parameters are set using db_flashback_retention_target to identify how far back in time you can perform a rewind operation.
Configuring Oracle Secure Backup for RMAN
Oracle Database 12c contains the Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) backup utility that is integrated within RMAN. OSB can be use to secure data and access to the backup domain. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to configure OSB for RMAN.
Configuring OSB and Performing a Backup
Oracle Database 12c's Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) utility includes the obtool; used to perform backups; list devices; and monitor file systems. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to access the obtool and reviews key commands used to configure OSB.
Configuring Persistent RMAN Settings
Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) is an Oracle Database 12c client that allows you to configure persistent settings for the RMAN environment via a common command-line interface for performing backup and recovery tasks on your databases. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the syntax of an RMAN command; and describes how to configure; view; and manage persistent settings.
Configuring the Fast Recovery Area
In Oracle Database 12 c; the Fast Recovery Area (FRA) contains backups and archive log files to make it possible to recover a database quickly in the event of a failure. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the parameters available for configuring the default location and size of the FRA.
Create the Parameter File for the Auxiliary Instance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create initialization parameters for the auxiliary instance. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameter to put the online redo log files in a different directory on the auxiliary database.
Creating a Backup Schedule
In Oracle Database 12c; you can periodically backup your entire database to disk or tape. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the Schedule Backup option to schedule a full incremental customized backup every single night at 10 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Creating an Incremental Backup Strategy
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create an incremental backup strategy. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the incremental script to create an image copy with incremental level 0.
Creating and Managing Archival Backups
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create and manage archival backups; in what is known as the RMAN backup archival process. Performing this backup allows you to safely perform system or application upgrades. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to perform the RMAN backup archival process.
Creating Archived Redo Log Files
Oracle Database 12c provides you with more than 30 destinations for archiving redo log files. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the difference between ARCHIVELOG mode and NOARCHIVELOG mode in terms of dynamic database recovery without impacting users.
Creating Incremental Updated and Fast Backups
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create fast incremental backups with image copies or traditional backup sets. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the incremental command to update image copies with all changes up to the incremental backup System Change Number (SCN).
Creating Proxy; Duplexed and Backup Sets
Oracle Database 12c allows you to create proxy; duplexed; and backup sets to ensure that your data is safely backed up and that no data will be lost in the event of a database malfunction. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to create proxy; duplexed; and backup sets in an Oracle database.
Creating Temporal History and Enabling Archiving
In Oracle Database 12c; if you want to track changes made to a table at any given time; you can use the Creating Temporal History and Enabling Archiving tools. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to put a table into archiving mode; and shows you the tools that allow you to archive changes made to a table.
Creating the Recovery Catalog to Store Repository Data
Oracle Database 12c allows you to create a recovery catalog to store repository data. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the steps to create a recovery catalog; which can be a separate database or a schema in an existing database.
Diagnose and Repair a Database Failure Using RMAN
Oracle Database 12c allows you to identify missing or corrupt datafiles on a database and create a script for their recovery. In this vide; Steve Hamilton uses the Data Recovery Advise feature of Oracle Database 12c to execute a recovery of missing files using RMAN.
Diagnose Performance Bottlenecks Read Operations in RMAN
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use RMAN to diagnose performance related issues in a number of different ways. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to diagnose problematic read operations by reading the two dictionary views in RMAN.
Diagnose Performance Bottlenecks Write Operations in RMAN
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use Oracle's DBMS utility to determine if there's a problem writing to disk. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the DBMS backup restore utility to set specific database parameters that will give you information about read or write problems; as well as increase the speed of your backup.
Duplicating a Database
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use RMAN's duplicate command to copy one database and replicate it on another system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN utility to duplicate from an active database; a backup; or a backup not connecting to the target.
Ensuring Backups are Available to Perform a Restore
In Oracle Database 12c; you can ensure that backups are available to perform a restore using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN restore and recover commands so that backups are available to restore the database if necessary.
Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use the Oracle Database Architecture to discover what is installed on a database server. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to explore the Oracle Database Architecture using the data dictionary view and the select command.
File Loss and Data Repair
In Oracle Database 12c; lost or damaged files can be restored or repaired using Recovery Manager (RMAN). In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the difference between critical and non-critical failure; and outlines which tools can be used to overcome this.
Filtering on Valid-Time Columns in a Database Table
In Oracle Database 12c; when using Filtering on Valid-Time Columns in a database table you can query active and inactive data. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to query data that is both live and non-live; and issue a select statement that will include the versions or the state of the data within a particular timeframe.
Flashing Back a Database Using Flashback Database
In Oracle Database 12c; you can create a restore point which can be used after shutting down the database. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to flash a Database using flashback in a mounted state to complete a flashback to a specific time; sequence number; or SCN number.
Handling Block Corruption
When dealing with Oracle Database 12c; there are specific parameters and commands that can be issued in order to identify and diagnose block corruption. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how these parameters and commands are applied for logical and physical corruption.
Identifying the Categories of Failures
Oracle Database 12c allows you to identify categories of failures in its database management system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to identify the five different failure categories; and some of the measures that can be taken to rectify them.
Identifying the Endian Format for Conversion Using the CONVERT Command
In Oracle Database 12c; you are able to migrate a tablespace from one platform to another. To do this; both platforms should be in the same format; referred to as the endian format. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to ensure that the source tablespace and the destination tablespace are in the same endian format.
Identifying the Flashback Data Archive Process
In Oracle Database 12c; users are able to retrieve information from flashback data archives; such as employee IDs and salary levels; by using fbda queries. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the flashback data archive process.
Identifying the Procedure to Transport a Database
In Oracle Database 12c; you can move a database from one platform to another. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the RMAN convert utility to convert files when moving a database from one endian format to another across platforms.
Installing Oracle Secure Backup
Oracle Database 12c's Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) utility integrates with Recovery Manager (RMAN) to provide improved data protection. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the installation of OSB on the administrative server; and explains its configuration and options.
Interpreting RMAN Error Messages
Oracle Database 12c allows you to troubleshoot RMAN when there are debugging-related issues. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the debugging process for a specific backup when errors have occurred.
Interpreting RMAN Messages and Error Stacks
In Oracle Database 12c; RMAN offers a number of tools to help you identify and fix errors. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the various ways you can debug performance and I/O issues.
Introduction to SQL - Adding New Rows to Tables using the INSERT statement
After watching this video; you will be able to add rows to a table in the database by using the INSERT SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - ALTER TABLE Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to change the definition of a table using the ALTER TABLE SQL command.
Introduction to SQL - Alternative Quote Operator
After watching this video; you will be able to use the alternative quote (q) operator to select a quotation mark delimiter.
Introduction to SQL - Ambiguous Column Names and Table Aliases
After watching this video; you will be able to use aliases with the USING clause and use prefixes to join multiple tables in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - AND; OR; and NOT Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to use the AND; OR and NOT operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - ANY and ALL Operators in Multiple-row Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to use the IN; ANY; and ALL operators in multiple-row subqueries in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Applying Additional Conditions to a Join
After watching this video; you will be able to use the AND clause or the WHERE clause to apply additional conditions to a join in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Arithmetic Expressions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use the arithmetic expressions in SQL.
Introduction to SQL - Arithmetic Operators in Dates
After watching this video; you will be able to use arithmetic operators with dates in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - AUTOTRACE Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the AUTOTRACE SQL*Plus command.
Introduction to SQL - AVG and SUM Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the AVG and SUM functions to group numeric data in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - BETWEEN and IN Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to use the BETWEEN and IN operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Browse the HR Schema Using SQL Developer
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to the database and browse the tables in the HR schema using SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Browsing Database Objects and Structures
After watching this video; you will be able to browse through the database objects and structures within SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - CASE Expression
After watching this video; you will be able to use the CASE expression to facilitate a conditional inquiry in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Case-conversion Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the case-conversion functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Character Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use character functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Character Strings and Dates
After watching this video; you will be able to use character strings and dates in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Character-manipulation Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the character-manipulation functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - CHECK Constraint
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of the CHECK constraint.
Introduction to SQL - Column Aliases
After watching this video; you will be able to define column aliases in the SELECT list.
Introduction to SQL - COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the COMMIT; SAVEPOINT; and ROLLBACK SQL statements.
Introduction to SQL - Comparison Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to use the comparison operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Concatenation Operator
After watching this video; you will be able to use the concatenation operator to create a character expression in the SQL statement output.
Introduction to SQL - Conditional Expressions
After watching this video; you will be able to use conditional expressions to provide the use of the IF-THEN-ELSE logic in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Constraints and Constraint Guidelines
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different types of constraints and how these are used to enforce rules at a table level.
Introduction to SQL - Copying Rows from Another Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use the INSERT SQL statement to copy rows from one table to another.
Introduction to SQL - COUNT and COUNT DISTINCT Function
After watching this video; you will be able to use the COUNT and COUNT DISTINCT functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Create and Work with Tables Using DDL
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new table; modify the structure and drop the table.
Introduction to SQL - Creating a Database Connection
After watching this video; you will be able to create a database connection within SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Creating a New Schema Object
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new schema object using SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Creating a Script
After watching this video; you will be able to save commands with substitution variables to a file and execute the commands in the file.
Introduction to SQL - Creating a Table Using a Subquery
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new table and insert rows by combining the CREATE TABLE and the AS subquery option in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating a User-defined Report
After watching this video; you will be able to create a user-defined report in SQL Developer and organize them in folders.
Introduction to SQL - Creating and Retrieving Records with Natural Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to join tables automatically based on columns with matching data types and names to retrieve data in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Groups of Data
After watching this video; you will be able to create groups of data in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Joins with the ON Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ON clause when you specify join conditions in the WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Joins with the USING Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use the USING clause to specify columns used for an equijoin to retrieve records in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Self-joins using the ON Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use a self-join to join a table to itself in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use the CREATE TABLE SQL command to create new tables in the database.
Introduction to SQL - Creating Three-way Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to using a three-way join to join three tables in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - CROSS Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to create cross joins in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Data Manipulation Language
After watching this video; you will be able to define the Data Manipulation Language in SQL.
Introduction to SQL - Data Modeler in SQL Developer
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Data Modeler in SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Data Models
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the data model and entity relationship model.
Introduction to SQL - Data Types
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different Oracle database data types used when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - Database Objects and their Naming Rules
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the DDL database objects and the associated naming rules.
Introduction to SQL - Database Reporting
After watching this video; you will be able to display built-in database reports in SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Database State before and after COMMIT
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the state of the database before and after a COMMIT SQL command within the database.
Introduction to SQL - Database State before and after ROLLBACK
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the state of the database before a ROLLBACK SQL command within the database.
Introduction to SQL - Database Transactions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe database transactions and how to ensure data consistency during DML; DDL; and DCL activity on the database.
Introduction to SQL - Date Format Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe elements of the date format model in SQL.
Introduction to SQL - Date-manipulation Functions and using Date Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use date-manipulation functions MONTHS_BETWEEN; ADD_MONTHS; NEXT_DAY; LAST_DAY in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Debugging Procedures and Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to debug procedures and functions.
Introduction to SQL - DEFINE and VERIFY Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DEFINE and VERIFY commands to create; assign; and verify a substitution variable when using SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Defining Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the syntax for defining constraints when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - Deleting Rows Based on Another Table
After watching this video; you will be able to remove rows from a table based on a different table using the DELETE SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Displaying Table Structure
After watching this video; you will be able to display the structure of a table using the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command.
Introduction to SQL - Double-ampersand Substitution Variable
After watching this video; you will be able to reuse a substitution variable by making use a double-ampersand substitution variable in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Dropping a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DROP TABLE SQL command to delete a table from the database.
Introduction to SQL - Duplicate Rows
After watching this video; you will be able to eliminate duplicate rows from SQL statement output using the DISTINCT qualifier.
Introduction to SQL - Entity Relationship Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Entity Relationship Model.
Introduction to SQL - Executing Saved Script Files
After watching this video; you will be able to execute saved script files using various methods in SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Executing Single-row Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to use a single-row subquery to return one row in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Explicit Transaction Control Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the control of the logic within transactions.
Introduction to SQL - Features of Oracle Cloud 12c
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the salient features of Oracle Cloud 12c.
Introduction to SQL - Features of
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the features of Oracle Database 12c.
Introduction to SQL - FOR UPDATE Clause in a SELECT statement
After watching this video; you will be able to describe using the FOR UPDATE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - FOREIGN KEY Constraint
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of the FOREIGN KEY constraint when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - Full OUTER Join
After watching this video; you will be able to use a full outer join in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - General Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe general functions when working with data and pertaining to NULL values.
Introduction to SQL - Generating Cartesian Product
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the generation of a Cartesian product returned by a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - GROUP BY Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to create groups of data and work with the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - GROUP BY on Multiple Columns
After watching this video; you will be able to use with the GROUP BY clause on multiple columns in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Group Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to use group functions to return one result based on a set of rows in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Group Functions and NULL Values
After watching this video; you will be able to work with NULL values when grouping a set of rows in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Guidelines for Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the rules; guidelines; and types of subqueries used in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Human Resources (HR) Schema
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the HR sample schema and its tables.
Introduction to SQL - ILLEGAL GROUP Function
After watching this video; you will be able to describe illegal queries when using the GROUP BY function in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Implementing Read Consistency
After watching this video; you will be able to describe read consistency and its role in the database.
Introduction to SQL - Implicit and Explicit Data Type Conversion
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of implicit and explicit data conversion within SQL statements.
Introduction to SQL - Implicit Transaction Processing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the conditions in which an automatic commit statement is issued and the impact on the database.
Introduction to SQL - INNER and OUTER Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the differences between an INNER and OUTER join.
Introduction to SQL - Inserting Rows with Null Values
After watching this video; you will be able to work with NULL values during the INSERT SQL statement when adding rows to a table.
Introduction to SQL - Inserting Rows with Special Values
After watching this video; you will be able to work with SPECIAL values during the INSERT SQL statement when adding rows to a table.
Introduction to SQL - Inserting Specific Date and Time Values
After watching this video; you will be able to work with specific DATE and TIME values during the INSERT SQL statement when adding rows to a table.
Introduction to SQL - Interacting with SQL*Plus
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the features of SQL and SQL*Plus.
Introduction to SQL - INTERSECT Operator
After watching this video; you will be able to use the INTERSECT operator to return all rows that are common to multiple queries in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Introduction to SQL Developer
After watching this video; you will be able to list the key features of Oracle SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Joining Multiple Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to display data from multiple tables using joins in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Left OUTER Join
After watching this video; you will be able to use a left outer join in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - LIKE Operator and Combining Wildcard Characters
After watching this video; you will be able to use the LIKE operator and combine wildcard characters in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Limiting Selected Rows and Using the WHERE Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the limiting of rows selected in a query and how to use the WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Linking to External Tools and Search Engines
After watching this video; you will be able to configure links to external tools and search engines within SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - LIST; APPEND; and CHANGE Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the LIST; APPEND; and CHANGE SQL*Plus editing commands.
Introduction to SQL - Literal Character Strings
After watching this video; you will be able to use literal character strings in a SELECT statement.
Introduction to SQL - Manipulate Data in a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to insert and update rows in a table.
Introduction to SQL - Matching SELECT Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the expressions in the SELECT lists of the queries must match in number in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - MIN and MAX Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the MIN and MAX functions to group numeric; character; and date data types in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - MINUS Operator
After watching this video; you will be able to use the MINUS operator to return all distinct rows selected by the first query in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - MOD Function
After watching this video; you will be able to use the MOD function in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Multiple-column Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to use a multiple-column subquery to return more than one column to the outer query in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Multiple-row Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to describe multiple-row subqueries in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Nesting Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the nesting functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Nesting Group Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use nesting of group functions to a depth of two functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - NOT NULL and PRIMARY KEY Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of the NOT NULL and PRIMARY KEY constraints when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - NULL and Logical Operator Conditions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the NULL and logical operator conditions in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Null Values
After watching this video; you will be able to identify how NULL values are defined in SQL and how they affect arithmetic expression outcomes.
Introduction to SQL - Null Values in Subquery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe NULL values in a subquery and use the NOT IN operator in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - NULLIF and COALESCE Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the NULLIF and COALESCE functions when working with NULL values in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Numeric ROUND and TRUNC Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the numeric ROUND and TRUNC functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Numeric ROUND and TRUNC Functions with Dates
After watching this video; you will be able to use the numeric ROUND and TRUNC functions with dates.
Introduction to SQL - NVL and NVL2 Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use the NVL and NVL2 functions when working with NULL values in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to obtain data from multiple tables using JOINS in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Operator Precedence in Arithmetic Expressions
After watching this video; you will be able to apply the standard order of precedence in SQL arithmetic expressions.
Introduction to SQL - Oracle Server and Set Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize how the Oracle Server manages set operators.
Introduction to SQL - ORDER BY Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ORDER BY clause to sort the data returned by a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Process a Database Transaction
After watching this video; you will be able to process a transaction using explicit transaction control statements.
Introduction to SQL - Read-only Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ALTER TABLE SQL command to set a table to read only.
Introduction to SQL - Relating Multiple Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use the primary and foreign keys to relate multiple tables.
Introduction to SQL - Relational and Object Relational Database
After watching this video; you will be able to describe relational and object relational database management systems.
Introduction to SQL - Relational Database Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concepts of a relational database.
Introduction to SQL - Relational Database Terminology
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize the relational database terminology.
Introduction to SQL - Restricting Group Results
After watching this video; you will be able to use the HAVING clause to restrict grouped rows returned in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Retrieving Data Using SQL Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to select data from different tables; describe tables; perform arithmetic calculations; and specify column names using aliases.
Introduction to SQL - Retrieving Records from Non-equijoins
After watching this video; you will be able to use a join condition containing a non-equijoin in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Retrieving Records with No Direct Match
After watching this video; you will be able to use an OUTER join to return records with no direct match in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Right OUTER Join
After watching this video; you will be able to use a right outer join in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Rules of Precedence
After watching this video; you will be able to define the rules of precedence in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - SAVE and START Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SAVE and START SQL*Plus file commands.
Introduction to SQL - SERVEROUTPUT and the SPOOL Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SERVEROUTPUT and SPOOL SQL*Plus commands.
Introduction to SQL - SET UNUSED Option
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SET UNUSED option to mark columns as unused using the ALTER TABLE SQL command.
Introduction to SQL - Setting Preferences within SQL Developer
After watching this video; you will be able to customize the SQL Developer interface and environment.
Introduction to SQL - Single-ampersand Substitution Variable
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of substitution variables in a SQL statement and use a single-ampersand substitution variable to provide a value in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Specifying DEFAULT Option for Columns in a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to define a default value to be assigned to a column when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - SQL Row Limiting Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ROW_LIMITING_CLAUSE to limit the number of rows returned by a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - SQL*Plus Editing Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the SQL*Plus editing commands.
Introduction to SQL - SQL*Plus File Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the SQL*Plus file commands.
Introduction to SQL - Substituting Column Names; Expressions; and Text
After watching this video; you will be able to use substitution variables for column names; expressions and text in a SQL statement.
After watching this video; you will be able to use SYSDATE; CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - The Basic SELECT Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use the basic SELECT statement.
Introduction to SQL - TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to Use the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE function to convert a character data type to a number or date format in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Troubleshooting Inner Query
After watching this video; you will be able to identify common errors that occur when an incorrect number of rows is returned by a single-row subquery in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - TRUNCATE Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TRUNCATE SQL statement to delete all rows from a table.
Introduction to SQL - Types of Set Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the types of set operators and their associated guidelines.
Introduction to SQL - Types of SQL Functions and Single-Row Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the types of SQL functions in a SQL statement and describe single-row functions.
Introduction to SQL - UNION and UNION ALL Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to use UNION and UNION ALL operators returns all rows in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - UNIQUE Constraint
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of the UNIQUE constraint when creating a table.
Introduction to SQL - Updating Rows Based on Another Table
After watching this video; you will be able to change the rows in a table based on a different table using the UPDATE SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Updating Rows in a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to change data in a table using the UPDATE SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Updating Two Columns with a Subquery
After watching this video; you will be able to change data into two columns using a subquery to update the two columns using the UPDATE SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Use Functions and Conditional Expressions
After watching this video; you will be able to write SQL statements using the TO_CHAR; TO_DATE; DECODE functions and the CASE Expression.
Introduction to SQL - Use subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to combine two queries by making use of a subquery in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Use the Character; Number; and Date Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to write a SQL statement using the CHARACTER; NUMBER; and DATE functions.
Introduction to SQL - Use the Group By and Having Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to write SQL statements using the GROUP BY and HAVING functions.
Introduction to SQL - Use WHERE clause and substitution variables
After watching this video; you will be able to write a SQL statement using the WHERE clause and pass a substitution variable to the SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using Group Functions in Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to display data from a main query using a group function in a subquery to return a single row in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using ROLLBACK
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ROLLBACK SQL command to undo changes to a defined marker.
Introduction to SQL - Using Snippets
After watching this video; you will be able to use snippets in SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Using SQL to Query a Database
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to query a database and its development environments.
Introduction to SQL - Using Subquery to Solve a Problem
After watching this video; you will be able to use a subquery to solve a problem in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using the DECODE Function
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DECODE function to facilitate conditional inquiry in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using the HAVING Clause with Subqueries
After watching this video; you will be able to use a subquery in the HAVING clause of a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using the ORDER BY Clause in Set Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ORDER BY clause in set operations in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using the Recycle Bin
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Recycle Bin in SQL Developer to recover or purge dropped objects.
Introduction to SQL - Using the SQL Worksheet
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL Worksheet to execute SQL and PL/SQL statements and format SQL code.
Introduction to SQL - Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TO_CHAR function to convert a date to a character data type in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using the TO_CHAR Function with Numbers
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TO_CHAR function to convert a number to a character data type in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Using TO_CHAR and TO_DATE Functions with RR Date Format
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions with the RR date format to return data for a previous century in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Violating Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the conditions when a constraint is violated.
Introduction to SQL - Working with Columns
After watching this video; you will be able to change the definition of a table by adding; modifying; and dropping columns in a table using the ALTER TABLE SQL command.
Introduction to SQL - Working with Dates and the RR Date Format
After watching this video; you will be able to work with dates and the RR date format in a SQL statement.
Introduction to SQL - Working with SQL Statements and Scripts
After watching this video; you will be able to work with SQL statements and scripts using SQL Developer.
Introduction to SQL - Write Reports Using the Set Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to write reports requested by the HR department using the SET operators.
Introduction to SQL - Writing SQL Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize the rules and guidelines for constructing valid SQL statements in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus.
Maintaining and Monitoring Block Change Tracking
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use block change tracking files for fast incremental backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the Backup Settings option to enable block change tracking for a database.
Managing Backups Using Cross-Checking and Deleting
In Oracle Database 12c; you may have to remove obsolete backups before you can do RMAN maintenance. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the crosscheck backup command to flag expired backups.
Managing Target Databases in the RMAN Recovery Catalog
In Oracle Database 12c; you can manage the RMAN recovery catalog by determining which target databases it includes. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the command line to register a target database with the recovery catalog; and to unregister the target database.
Monitoring Flashback Database Information
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use Monitoring Flashback Database Information if you want to look at the statistics that having your database in Flashback mode generates. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to interpret operational statistics for a flashback database; as well as monitor database components to see how much space they're actually consuming.
Multiplexing Control Files
Oracle Database 12c provides you with a method of multiplexing control files for backup purposes. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to identify and open control files to find the names and locations of data files in an Oracle database; and how to validate and verify those data files.
Multiplexing Redo Log Files
Oracle Database 12c provides you with the ability to multiplex online redo log files. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates redo log files that contain and maintain changes made to the database; how to manage members in log file groups; and how these affect database performance.
Oracle Restart and DBA Tools
In Oracle Database 12c; the Oracle Restart utility is an automatically added component of the Grid Infrastructure architecture. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how Oracle Restart can be used with DBA Tools to facilitate Database Management.
Oracle Secure Backup Jobs and the obtool Commands
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use the Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) utility to backup the recovery area to a specific destination; and use obtool to obtain information regarding specific OSB backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use OSB jobs and the obtool commandline tool; including its common commands.
Oracle Suggested Backups
In Oracle Database 12c; it is important to back up your system regularly to meet your recovery needs. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the Backup & Recovery option to schedule an Oracle Suggested Backup.
Overview of Innovation and Cloud Computing
Oracle Database 12c allows you to use clouding computing among other features of its database management system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates a few of the innovations in Oracle Database 12c; and the way it integrates with cloud computing.
Overview of Point-in-Time Recovery
Oracle Database 12c uses Flashback Technologies to allow point-in-time recovery at the database; table; and tablespace levels. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the database; table; and tablespace point-in-time recovery scopes and their terminology; and details scenarios calling for the use of TSPITR.
Overview of Table Recovery from Backups
Oracle Database 12c allows the use of multiple technologies to retrieve tables from RMAN backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the availability of the relevant technologies; factors impacting their suitability; and the use of RMAN to specify a recovery point-in-time.
Overview of the Automatic Block Repair Feature
Oracle Database 12c provides a feature which; when enabled; will automatically detect and repair block corruptions in your primary and secondary database. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the automatic block corruption detection and repair feature is applied.
Overview of the Restoring and Recovery Commands
In Oracle Database 12c; not only can the RMAN utility be used to back up your data; it can also be used to restore data files. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to apply the restore and recover commands in order to restore data files.
Overview of the RMAN Backup Types
In Oracle Database 12c; there are various Recovery Manager (RMAN) backup types where each backup type meets a specific function. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the differences between RMAN backup types and how these would function organisationally when applied.
Overview of the RMAN Recovery Catalog
RMAN recovery catalog in Oracle Database 12c is a database schema used by RMAN to store metadata about Oracle databases; expose RMAN features and provide administration benefits. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the control file to compare it with the recovery catalog; describes the process of storing data in a recovery catalog database; and outlines the benefits of using a recovery catalog.
Overview of Transporting Data
Oracle Database 12c allows the transfer of databases and data files across platforms. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates Oracle Database 12c's support of cross-platform data transport; and how to ship databases between different platforms.
Parallelization of Backup Sets for Performance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can significantly speed up your backup time by parallelizing your backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use parallelism and multiple channels for data files to improve the speed of your backups.
Perform Point-in-Time Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a point-in-time recovery after a failure if the database is running in FLASHBACK or ARCHIVELOG mode by using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN tool to rewind the database to a specific restore point before the failure.
Performance Tuning - Access Paths
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ways in which data is retrieved from the database.
Performance Tuning - Adaptive and Dynamic Execution Plans
After watching this video; you will be able to describe adaptive and dynamic execution plans.
Performance Tuning - Adaptive Cursor Sharing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of adaptive cursor sharing.
Performance Tuning - Adaptive SQL Plan Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe adaptive SQL plan management.
Performance Tuning - Adding Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how adding indexes can improve SQL performance.
Performance Tuning - ADDM Comparison Report
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the components of an ADDM comparison report.
Performance Tuning - ADDM Methodology
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ADDM methodology.
Performance Tuning - ADDM Performance Monitoring
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ADDM infrastructure.
Performance Tuning - An Overview of ASH
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ASH infrastructure.
Performance Tuning - ASMM Maintenance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe administrative operations such as resizing; enabling; and disabling ASMM.
Performance Tuning - Automatic Memory Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of automatic memory management and how it differs from ASMM.
Performance Tuning - Automatic Memory Management Maintenance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to enable and monitor automatic memory management.
Performance Tuning - Automatic Segment Space Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of ASSM.
Performance Tuning - Automatic SQL Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the concept of automatic SQL tuning.
Performance Tuning - Automatic Workload Repository
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Automatic Workload Repository.
Performance Tuning - AWR Administration
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager cloud control to configure AWR.
Performance Tuning - AWR Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the types of statistics stored in AWR and the AWR architecture.
Performance Tuning - AWR Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to define AWR baselines and its benefits.
Performance Tuning - Background Processes and the Buffer Cache
After watching this video; you will be able to list the ways in which the dbwr background process can be optimized to allow higher throughput.
Performance Tuning - Behavior of SGA Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how SGA parameters behave when configured against an auto-tuned versus manually-tuned SGA.
Performance Tuning - Block Space Management with ASSM
After watching this video; you will be able to describe block space management with ASSM.
Performance Tuning - Block Space Management with Freelists
After watching this video; you will be able to describe block space management with freelists.
Performance Tuning - Block Visits and Allocation
After watching this video; you will be able to list the ways of reducing block visits and describe the methods of block allocation.
Performance Tuning - Buffer Cache Contention: Part 1
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss how to identify how segments and diagnose buffer busy waits.
Performance Tuning - Buffer Cache Contention: Part 2
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss how to identify further buffer cache related waits and parameters related to the buffer cache.
Performance Tuning - Buffer Cache Internals
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the use of the buffer hash table.
Performance Tuning - Buffer Cache Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune waits related to the Buffer Cache.
Performance Tuning - Capturing Workload
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the initial workload is captured.
Performance Tuning - Cardinality Feedback
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the cardinality feedback feature.
Performance Tuning - Common Tuning Problems
After watching this video; you will be able to list common tuning problems.
Performance Tuning - Commonly Observed Wait Events
After watching this video; you will be able to describe commonly observed wait events.
Performance Tuning - Comparative Performance Analysis with AWR Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how AWR baselines can be used to compare two periods.
Performance Tuning - Comparing ADDM Periods
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ADDM comparison report and compare to its AWR counterpart.
Performance Tuning - Configuring Automatic PGA Memory
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how automatic PGA is configured.
Performance Tuning - CPU and Wait Time Tuning Dimensions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe CPU and wait time tuning dimensions.
Performance Tuning - CPU Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune CPU-related waits.
Performance Tuning - Creating AWR Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to create AWR baselines.
Performance Tuning - Creating Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM cloud control to create baselines and configure alert thresholds upon them.
Performance Tuning - Creating Services
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how services are created and managed.
Performance Tuning - Data Compression
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how data compression can assist in improving the performance of SQL statements.
Performance Tuning - Database Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to define database alerts and the dictionary views associated with them.
Performance Tuning - Database Operation Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to list the scope and concepts around database operations.
Performance Tuning - Database Operations Reporting and Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the PL/SQL package needed to report on database operations.
Performance Tuning - Database Replay
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of database replay.
Performance Tuning - Database Replay Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the architecture of the components that make up database replay.
Performance Tuning - Database Replay Integration
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the workflow implementation of database replay within enterprise manager.
Performance Tuning - Database Smart Flash Cache
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how database smart flash cache can extend the buffer cache.
Performance Tuning - DB Time
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of db time.
Performance Tuning - Deferred Statistics Publishing
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the concept of deferred statistics.
Performance Tuning - Defining a Service
After watching this video; you will be able to list the characteristics of a service.
Performance Tuning - Defining the Scope of a Problem
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to define and limit the scope of a problem.
Performance Tuning - Dynamic Performance Views
After watching this video; you will be able to work with the dynamic performance views.
Performance Tuning - Dynamic SGA
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of a dynamic SGA and introduce the concept of granules.
Performance Tuning - Effective Tuning Goals
After watching this video; you will be able to describe effective tuning goals.
Performance Tuning - Emergency Monitoring
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the challenges and goals of emergency monitoring.
Performance Tuning - Enterprise Manager Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Performance Tuning - Execution Plan Details
After watching this video; you will be able to list the dynamic performance views which provide detail about SQL execution plans.
Performance Tuning - Extended SQL Tracing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the SQL trace facility and use thereof.
Performance Tuning - Extent Management
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of extents and how they relate to the performance of SQL operations.
Performance Tuning - Filing a Performance Service Request
After watching this video; you will be able to work with Oracle support to file a performance service request.
Performance Tuning - Formatting Trace Files with TKPROF
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to format trace files with TKPROF.
Performance Tuning - Fragmentation Within the Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss ways to reduce fragmentation within the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Functions of the Query Optimizer
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the tasks of the query optimizer during SQL parsing.
Performance Tuning - General Tuning Session
After watching this video; you will be able to list the steps of a general tuning session.
Performance Tuning - Generating ASH Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to generate an ASH report.
Performance Tuning - Generating AWR Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager cloud control and SQL*Plus to generate an AWR report.
Performance Tuning - Handling Errors
After watching this video; you will be able to describe common errors; their diagnosis; and solutions.
Performance Tuning - Hybrid Columnar Compression
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of HCC and using the compression advisor.
Performance Tuning - I/O Modes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of direct I/O and related waits.
Performance Tuning - I/O Tuning and the Buffer Cache
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss further mechanisms related to disk throughput and the buffer cache.
Performance Tuning - Identifying a Database Operation
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to identify and enable monitoring of a database operation.
Performance Tuning - Implement Plan Stability with SPM
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DBMS_SPM package to fix a particular execution plan for a given SQL statement.
Performance Tuning - Index Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the most commonly used index access paths.
Performance Tuning - Influencing Performance with Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to examine how inaccurate statistics can mislead the optimizer and rectifying the problem.
Performance Tuning - Introduction to Execution Plans
After watching this video; you will be able to define what an execution plan is and uses thereof.
Performance Tuning - Introduction to Performance Management
After watching this video; you will be able to define the components of performance management.
Performance Tuning - Join Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of join operations.
Performance Tuning - Join Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the conditions under which each join operation works best.
Performance Tuning - Keep Objects in the Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to identify large objects and configure them to be retained in the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Latch and Mutex
After watching this video; you will be able to define the terms latch and mutex.
Performance Tuning - Maintaining Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how index maintenance operations can improve SQL performance.
Performance Tuning - Maintaining SQL Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the fundamental methods with which to maintain SQL performance.
Performance Tuning - Managing Baselines and Templates
After watching this video; you will be able to configure AWR baselines and templates.
Performance Tuning - Managing Optimizer Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the options available when configuring optimizer statistics.
Performance Tuning - Managing Snapshots with PL/SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use a PL/SQL package to manage and modify AWR snapshot settings.
Performance Tuning - Manipulating ADDM
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to create an ADDM task manually and to modify ADDM attributes.
Performance Tuning - Manipulating SGA Components
After watching this video; you will be able to describe parameters relevant to dynamic SGA and how to increase the size of a SGA component.
Performance Tuning - Methodology and Common Symptoms
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle performance tuning methodology and common symptoms.
Performance Tuning - Metrics and Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of metrics and the importance of statistics within an Oracle database.
Performance Tuning - Migration and Chaining
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concepts of block migration and chaining.
Performance Tuning - Monitoring Automatic PGA Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to monitor SQL memory usage and discuss the PGA advisor.
Performance Tuning - Monitoring Load Database Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of load database operations and list the dictionary views associated with it.
Performance Tuning - Multiple Buffer Pools
After watching this video; you will be able to list the conditions under which multiple buffer pools may be needed.
Performance Tuning - Observing ADDM Findings
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM cloud control to identify and review ADDM results.
Performance Tuning - Optimizer Key Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concepts of selectivity; cardinality; and cost.
Performance Tuning - Optimizer Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to list the database parameters which influence the behavior of the optimizer.
Performance Tuning - Optimizer Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe statistics used by the optimizer.
Performance Tuning - Optimizing SQL for Throughput
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how manipulating the optimizer_mode parameter affects SQL operations.
Performance Tuning - Oracle Database Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle database architecture in terms of the buffer cache.
Performance Tuning - Oracle Database Metrics
After watching this video; you will be able to define the Oracle database metrics and describe their benefits.
Performance Tuning - Oracle EM Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle EM architecture.
Performance Tuning - Parsing and Cursor Sharing
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of a hard parse and optimizing the use of cursors.
Performance Tuning - Performance Monitoring and Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how baselines are used when defining alert thresholds.
Performance Tuning - Performance vs. Business Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to evaluate the balance between performance and business requirements.
Performance Tuning - Phases of SQL Statement Processing
After watching this video; you will be able to define the phases of SQL statement processing; and the concepts of cursors and parsing.
Performance Tuning - Preventing Regressing SQL Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SQL tuning advisor to assist in tuning regressing SQL statements.
Performance Tuning - Processing a DML Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process structures involved with DML and commit processing.
Performance Tuning - Producing Reports Comparing Periods
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to compare two periods in AWR.
Performance Tuning - Reading an ASH Report
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the components of an ASH report.
Performance Tuning - Reading an AWR Comparison Report
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the structure of an AWR comparison report.
Performance Tuning - Reading an AWR Report
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the sections of an AWR report.
Performance Tuning - Reading an Execution Plan
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to read and understand an execution plan.
Performance Tuning - Real Application Testing
After watching this video; you will be able to using real application testing.
Performance Tuning - Real-Time ADDM
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the challenges and goals of real-time ADDM.
Performance Tuning - Real-Time ADDM in the Database
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the benefits of real-time ADDM.
Performance Tuning - Real-Time Database Operation Monitoring
After watching this video; you will be able to describe database operations and provide use cases.
Performance Tuning - Redo Log Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune waits related to the Redo Log.
Performance Tuning - Redo Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune Redo-related waits.
Performance Tuning - Replay Analysis
After watching this video; you will be able to compare the results of a workload replay report.
Performance Tuning - Replay Packages and Views
After watching this video; you will be able to list the packages and views applicable to using and configuring database replay.
Performance Tuning - Replay Tasks and Considerations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to properly cater for the database replay tasks.
Performance Tuning - Resource Management and Services
After watching this video; you will be able to specify how services integrate with database resource manager.
Performance Tuning - Review an AWR Report
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM cloud control to generate and review an AWR report.
Performance Tuning - Running a Replay
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process of replaying a workload.
Performance Tuning - Service Aggregation and Tracing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe service aggregation and tracing.
Performance Tuning - Service Aggregation Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure service aggregation.
Performance Tuning - Service Attributes and Types
After watching this video; you will be able to list the attributes and types of services.
Performance Tuning - Service Performance Views
After watching this video; you will be able to list the dictionary views relevant to service performance.
Performance Tuning - Services and the Scheduler
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM cloud control to show how services work in conjunction with the database scheduler.
Performance Tuning - Shared and Large Pool Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune waits relates to Shared and Large Pool.
Performance Tuning - Shared Pool Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the components that make up the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Shrinking Segments
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how shrinking segments can improve the performance of SQL statements.
Performance Tuning - Sizing the Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to properly size the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Sort Operations and Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the basics of sorting and briefly touch on tuning sort performance.
Performance Tuning - SPM Configuration and Enterprise Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to list the methods available to configure the SPM infrastructure and show the interaction with enterprise manager.
Performance Tuning - SQL Access Advisor
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the concept of the SQL access advisor.
Performance Tuning - SQL Execution Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to diagnose and tune waits related to SQL Execution.
Performance Tuning - SQL Memory Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to list memory intensive SQL operators and introduce automatic PGA memory.
Performance Tuning - SQL Performance Analyzer
After watching this video; you will be able to using SQL performance analyzer.
Performance Tuning - SQL Performance Analyzer Example
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the PL/SQL functions used to manipulate the SQL performance analyzer.
Performance Tuning - SQL Performance Analyzer Tasks
After watching this video; you will be able to create and compare SQL performance analyzer tasks.
Performance Tuning - SQL Plan Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the concept and architecture around SQL plan baselines.
Performance Tuning - SQL Plan Manageability
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss how SQL plan selection works and list scenarios under which it comes into play.
Performance Tuning - SQL Query Result Cache: Part 1
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the SQL query result cache feature.
Performance Tuning - SQL Query Result Cache: Part 2
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the DBMS_RESULT_CACHE package and considerations when using the SQL query result cache feature.
Performance Tuning - SQL Statement Parsing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe cursor usage and specify further detail of SQL statement processing.
Performance Tuning - SQL Tuning Advisor
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss the concept of the SQL tuning advisor.
Performance Tuning - SQL*Plus Autotrace
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the autotrace facility of SQL*Plus.
Performance Tuning - Statistic Histograms
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the benefits of having statistics histograms.
Performance Tuning - Statistics Gathering
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss automated statistics gathering.
Performance Tuning - Table Maintenance for Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how space usage of tables can impact performance.
Performance Tuning - Tablespace Best Practices
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss best practices when creating and configuring tablespaces.
Performance Tuning - Temporary Tablespace Groups
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of temporary tablespace groups and their use.
Performance Tuning - Temporary Tablespace Maintenance
After watching this video; you will be able to discuss administrative commands related to maintaining temporary tablespace.
Performance Tuning - Temporary Tablespaces
After watching this video; you will be able to define the use of temporary tablespaces.
Performance Tuning - The Anatomy of a Database Block
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the structure of a database block.
Performance Tuning - The Buffer Cache Advisor
After watching this video; you will be able to use the buffer cache advisor.
Performance Tuning - The Lifecycle of SQL Plan Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how SQL plan baselines are created and evolve over time.
Performance Tuning - The Oracle Optimizer
After watching this video; you will be able to define the role of the Oracle optimizer and list ways of identifying poorly performing SQL.
Performance Tuning - Time Model Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to define the time model.
Performance Tuning - TKPROF and Optimizer Tracing
After watching this video; you will be able to list TKPROF output and touch on producing optimizer trace files.
Performance Tuning - Top Timed Events
After watching this video; you will be able to list the top timed events.
Performance Tuning - Tuning Goals and Techniques
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the goals and techniques relevant to tuning the buffer cache.
Performance Tuning - Tuning Life Cycle Phases
After watching this video; you will be able to list the tuning life cycle phases.
Performance Tuning - Tuning Methodology
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle tuning methodology.
Performance Tuning - Tuning Objectives
After watching this video; you will be able to identify tuning objectives.
Performance Tuning - Tuning the Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to use dictionary views and AWR to provide tuning information for the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Types of Baselines
After watching this video; you will be able to list and describe the types of AWR baselines.
Performance Tuning - Types of Join Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to list the types of join operations used by the optimizer.
Performance Tuning - Use AUTOTRACE and DBMS_XPLAN
After watching this video; you will be able to examine a bad SQL statement and gather information about it using AUTOTRACE and DBMS_XPLAN.
Performance Tuning - Use the Automatic Memory Tuning Function
After watching this video; you will be able to configure automatic shared memory management.
Performance Tuning - User Trace Files
After watching this video; you will be able to describe user trace files.
Performance Tuning - Using ASH Data
After watching this video; you will be able to specify where to locate the ASH data and how to analyze it.
Performance Tuning - Using AWR Reports to Tune the Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to use sections of an AWR report to provide tuning information for the shared pool.
Performance Tuning - Using Database Smart Flash Cache
After watching this video; you will be able to configure and specify devices for the database smart flash cache.
Performance Tuning - Using Real-Time ADDM
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM cloud control to invoke real-time ADDM and view the results.
Performance Tuning - Using Services with Metric Thresholds
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how services can be integrated with metric thresholds.
Performance Tuning - Using the Alert Log In Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to use OEM or command-line tools to view the alert log.
Performance Tuning - View Diagnostic Information
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL commands to query the dynamic performance views to view tuning information.
Performance Tuning - Viewing Execution Plans
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to generate and view an execution plan.
Performance Tuning - Viewing Metric Information
After watching this video; you will be able to use dictionary views and EM cloud control to report on database metrics.
Performance Tuning - Viewing the Performance Hub Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use OEM to view the performance hub page.
Performance Tuning - Wait Classes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe database wait classes.
Performance Tuning - Wait Event Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to display wait event statistics.
Performance Tuning - Wait Events
After watching this video; you will be able to describe database wait events.
Performance Tuning - Who Does Performance Management
After watching this video; you will be able to identify who is responsible for performance management of the oracle database.
Performance Tuning - Workflow of a Database Operation
After watching this video; you will be able to list the steps in identifying; starting; and completing a database operation.
Performance Tuning - Working with Services
After watching this video; you will be able to define where services are used.
Performing Block Media Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; looking at the Oracle Data Dictionary Views can help you retrieve information about occurrences of block corruption. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the database block corruption and diagnostic information views can be used in the event of a block corruption.
Performing Complete Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a recovery operation in ARCHIVELOG mode using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN restore and recover commands to perform a restore in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Performing Database Transportation
In Oracle Database 12c; you are able to migrate a database from one platform to another. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to perform database transportation if you need to migrate from Linux to Windows; or Windows to Linux; for example.
Performing Database Transportation with Backup Sets
Oracle Database 12c allows you to create a different backup set and backup the database to that particular platform. You can also restore a backup set to a different database. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to perform database transportation with backup sets.
Performing Disaster Recovery
Oracle Database 12c allows you to perform Disaster Recovery which ensures that you can recover from a complete datacenter loss by failing over to another datacenter. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses an overview of Disaster Recovery to explain this process.
Performing Fully Automated Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can recover a Tablespace using the automated Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery through RMAN. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use Oracle's RMAN utility to fully automate your Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery.
Performing Incomplete Recovery After a Failure
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform an incomplete recovery after a failure using Oracle's Database Flashback Technology. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the Database Flashback Technology to perform an incomplete recovery after a failure in FLASHBACK mode.
Performing Recovery of a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
In Oracle Database 12c; it’s possible to restore files even when archiving of the redo log is disabled. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to restore and recover a data file when a database is in the NORARCHIVELOG mode.
Performing Tablespace Transportation
Oracle Database 12c allows you to transport one tablespace from one system to a completely new tablespace on another system if you want to create a tablespace repository. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to perform tablespace transportation.
Performing TSPITR Using an Auxiliary Instance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery (TSPITR) using an auxiliary instance. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses RMAN to connect to the target database and the auxiliary instance and then recover the tablespace.
Preparing to Perform Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can restore a Tablespace to a completely different database by performing a Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the steps you need to take to prepare to perform a Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery.
Process Architecture
Oracle Database12c is comprised of various processes which can be divided into three distinct categories. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the processes that combine to form the Database Process Architecture and how they function.
Process of How to Perform Table Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can recover tables and table partitions up to a specific point-in-time in the auxiliary instance. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the REMAP TABLESPACE command to place the recovery table in a completely separate tablespace.
RAC Administration - Accessing the Cluster Cache Coherency Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager cloud control cluster cache coherency page to view statistics relating to global cache throughput.
RAC Administration - Active Session History Reports for RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to diagnose performance problems with the RAC specific sections of the Active Session History Report.
RAC Administration - Adding and Dropping a PDB
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new PDB from the seed or clone it from another PDB and drop a PDB.
RAC Administration - Additional Monitoring Links
After watching this video; you will be able to use additional monitoring links in Enterprise Manager to view database locks and to access the top activity page for the database.
RAC Administration - ADDM-specific RAC Diagnostics
After watching this video; you will be able to list what ADDM diagnoses for RAC and use ADDM specific pages in Enterprise Manager to diagnose RAC database performance.
RAC Administration - Analyzing Cache Fusion Impact in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the impact of accessing blocks in the global cache and maintaining cache coherency.
RAC Administration - Archived Redo Log Configuration in Oracle RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to configure archived redo log parameters for RAC.
RAC Administration - ASM and Cluster File System Archiving Scheme
After watching this video; you will be able to configure archiving to a cluster file system.
RAC Administration - ASM CloudFS and ACFS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ASM CloudFS and ACFS architecture and the benefits it leverages from Oracle ASM functionality.
RAC Administration - ASM Features and Benefits
After watching this video; you will be able to list the features and benefits of Oracle ASM and describe the concepts of Oracle Flex ASM.
RAC Administration - Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor for RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor to analyze performance for the entire cluster or for individual instances.
RAC Administration - Automatic Undo Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how undo tablespaces are used in RAC.
RAC Administration - AWR Reports and RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to identify RAC specific sections in an AWR report.
RAC Administration - AWR Snapshots and RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how AWR manages snapshots in RAC.
RAC Administration - Background Processes Specific to Oracle RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the RAC specific background processes.
RAC Administration - Benefits of Using Oracle RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to list the benefits of using Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - CDB Terminology and Data Dictionary Views
After watching this video; you will be able to define the terminology used when talking about Container Databases and list the Data Dictionary Views relating to CDB.
RAC Administration - Change a Static Parameter Value
After watching this video; you will be able to change the processes parameter for one RAC instance and confirm the change with Enterprise Manager.
RAC Administration - Channel Connections to Cluster Instances
After watching this video; you will be able to configure multiple channels to connect to different instances in the cluster.
RAC Administration - Cluster Database Performance Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Performance Page to view problems inside and outside the database.
RAC Administration - Cluster Database Performance Page Throughput
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Performance Page to view database throughput and drill down to view throughput for specific instances.
RAC Administration - Cluster-Aware Storage
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the requirement for cluster-aware storage when using Oracle RAC and list the supported cluster-aware storage solutions.
RAC Administration - Clusters and Clusterware
After watching this video; you will be able to define Clusters and Clusterware.
RAC Administration - Clusters and Scalability
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the scalability potential of Oracle RAC and differentiate between scaleup or speedup.
RAC Administration - Clusterware Architecture and Cluster Services
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle Clusterware architecture and the services it includes.
RAC Administration - Common RAC Tuning Tips
After watching this video; you will be able to list some of the most common tuning techniques that are particularly important for RAC.
RAC Administration - Configure and Test Load Balancing and TAF
After watching this video; you will be able to configure and test client-side connect-time load balancing and TAF.
RAC Administration - Configure RMAN
After watching this video; you will be able to configure RMAN to automatically back up the controlfile and make an RMAN backup with multiple channels to different instances.
RAC Administration - Configuring RAC Backup Settings with EM
After watching this video; you will be able to configure RAC backup settings with Enterprise Manager.
RAC Administration - Configuring RMAN for RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to configure spfile and controlfile backups in Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Connection Load Balancing in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure server-side load balancing to direct client connections appropriately.
RAC Administration - Connection to a Non-RAC CDB
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to a Non-RAC CDB and switch between containers in a Non-RAC CDB.
RAC Administration - Container Database in a Non-RAC Environment
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the architecture of a Container Database (CDB).
RAC Administration - Convert a Single-Instance Database to RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to use DBCA to convert a single-instance database to a RAC database.
RAC Administration - Converting a RAC One Node Database to RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to convert a RAC One Node Database to RAC.
RAC Administration - Converting to RAC One Node
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to convert a single instance to RAC One Node and how to convert a RAC database to RAC One Node.
RAC Administration - Create a New Service
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to the database using a new service and schedule a job that runs under a specific service.
RAC Administration - Creating a RAC Container Database (CDB)
After watching this video; you will be able to create a RAC CDB including a pluggable database.
RAC Administration - Creating an Oracle RAC One Node Database
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to create a new RAC One Node database and how to verify an existing RAC One Node database.
RAC Administration - Creating and Managing Services in Enterprise Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create a service using Enterprise Manager and perform common service management tasks.
RAC Administration - Creating and Managing Services with SRVCTL
After watching this video; you will be able to create a service using SRVCTL and perform common service management tasks.
RAC Administration - Creating the Cluster Database Step 1 to 3
After watching this video; you will be able to start the database configuration assistant and begin the process of creating a new database.
RAC Administration - Creating the Cluster Database Step 4 to 8
After watching this video; you will be able to use the database configuration assistant to perform steps 4 through 8 of creating a new database.
RAC Administration - Creating the Cluster Database Step 9 to 15
After watching this video; you will be able to complete the creation of a new database and describe the different memory management options.
RAC Administration - Cross-checking on Multiple RAC Clusters Nodes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe why all cluster nodes should be able to access all backups.
RAC Administration - Default Services and Restricted Service Registration
After watching this video; you will be able to list the default services in a database and describe how Restricted Service Registration improves RAC security.
RAC Administration - Diagnose Database Performance with EM
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager to view database performance and find RAC-specific information in an AWR report.
RAC Administration - Distributed Transactions and Parallel Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to configure singleton services for distributed transactions to maximize application throughput.
RAC Administration - Distribution of Backups and RMAN Autolocation
After watching this video; you will be able to describe backup configurations for RAC and how RMAN automatically locates files needed for recovery on the cluster.
RAC Administration - EM Cluster Database Instance Home Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Instance Home Page as a starting point for performance; administration; and maintenance tasks.
RAC Administration - EM Database Express Performance Hub
After watching this video; you will be able to use EM Database Express Performance Hub to view both historical and real-time performance data.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager and SPFILE Parameter Values
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager to manage initialization parameters.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Home Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Home Page to view information pertaining to the cluster database as a whole.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager Cluster Home Page
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Enterprise Manager Cluster Home Page to view summary and detailed information about the cluster.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager Database Express
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager Database Express to view and manage a RAC database.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager Monitoring Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager to get an overview of the performance statistics for the database.
RAC Administration - Enterprise Manager Top Services Performance Page
After watching this video; you will be able to view performance-related information for services with Enterprise Manager.
RAC Administration - Explore Cache Fusion Using Views
After watching this video; you will be able to use the GV$BH to explore the buffer states of a block being updated and read by multiple instances.
RAC Administration - FAN Events
After watching this video; you will be able to list the types and statuses of FAN events and describe the FAN event format.
RAC Administration - Fast Application Notification Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Fast Application Notification (FAN) mechanism and list its benefits.
RAC Administration - Fast Connection Failover
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the automatic connection management of Fast Connection Failover.
RAC Administration - Faster Instance Recovery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe ways to make instance recovery faster in a RAC environment.
RAC Administration - Finding and Downloading Patches
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to find the correct patches for your software and how to download them from Oracle Support.
RAC Administration - Global Cache Buffer States
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the important buffer states for cache fusion.
RAC Administration - Global Cache Management Multi-block Reads
After watching this video; you will be able to describe multi-block read requests and identify some useful Global Cache Management views.
RAC Administration - Global Cache Management Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how concurrency is managed across multiple buffer caches.
RAC Administration - Global Cache Management Single Block Reads
After watching this video; you will be able to list the scenarios where Global Cache Management controls concurrency for single-block reads.
RAC Administration - Global Cache Wait Events
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the main global cache wait events for current and consistent read blocks.
RAC Administration - Global Enqueue Management Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the roles of global enqueues and global instance locks.
RAC Administration - Global Enqueue Waits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the most frequent enqueue waits and how global enqueue wait events can impact an Oracle RAC database.
RAC Administration - Global Enqueues
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how global enqueues are used to control access to resources.
RAC Administration - Global Resource Directory
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the need for concurrency control in a RAC database and the role of the Global Resource Directory (GRD) in global concurrency control.
RAC Administration - Global Resource Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how global resources are managed and list the background processes involved in global concurrency control.
RAC Administration - Global Resource Remastering and Recovery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process of allocating control of the master metadata for a specific entity to another instance.
RAC Administration - Grid Infrastructure Software Installation – Part 1
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure a new cluster including ASM configuration.
RAC Administration - Grid Naming Service
After watching this video; you will be able to define the role Grid Naming Service (GNS) plays in dynamic provisioning.
RAC Administration - Grid Plug and Play and Cluster Node Startup
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the startup process in a Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) environment.
RAC Administration - High-water Mark Considerations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the impact of frequently allocating space to a segment in RAC.
RAC Administration - How SQL*Plus Commands Affect Instances
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how SQL statements affect the current instance or all instances.
RAC Administration - Implementing FAN Events
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ways you can use FAN events and name the Oracle clients that are integrated with FAN.
RAC Administration - Index Block Contention Considerations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe reasons for index block contention and list ways to mitigate the problem.
RAC Administration - Install and Configure a New Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure a new cluster including ASM.
RAC Administration - Installing the Oracle Database Software
After watching this video; you will be able to perform an Oracle Database software installation.
RAC Administration - Instance Locks
After watching this video; you will be able to list the objects that are subject to instance-wide locks.
RAC Administration - Instance Recovery and Database Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the degree of database availability during each step of instance recovery.
RAC Administration - Load Balancing Advisory
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the Load Balancing Advisory balances work across RAC instances.
RAC Administration - Managing a Container Database (CDB)
After watching this video; you will be able to connect using CDB/PDB Services and open and close a PDB.
RAC Administration - Managing Archived Redo Logs Using RMAN
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the way RMAN backs up and restores archived redo logs on a shared file system.
RAC Administration - Managing Services
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the types of services in a CDB and assign a PDB service to a server pool.
RAC Administration - Managing Sessions in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to find and terminate a session on a specific RAC instance.
RAC Administration - Media Recovery in Oracle RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process of media recovery in Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Monitoring RAC with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to manage metrics; alerts; and blackouts for Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Multitenant Architecture Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the difference between a non-container database and a multitenant container database and list the benefits of a multitenant container database.
RAC Administration - Necessity of Global Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the necessity of internode synchronization.
RAC Administration - Non-cluster File System Local Archiving Scheme
After watching this video; you will be able to configure archiving to non-cluster local file systems.
RAC Administration - OPatch Automation
After watching this video; you will be able to patch the Grid home and all Oracle RAC database homes in one step.
RAC Administration - OPatch Debugging
After watching this video; you will be able to view OPatch log and trace files and use a SQL interface to view the database patches.
RAC Administration - OPatch General Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to use OPatch to query and apply patches.
RAC Administration - OPatch Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what OPatch is and identify the use-cases for OPatch.
RAC Administration - Oracle ASM
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Oracle ASM as a volume manager and the benefits it brings to RAC.
RAC Administration - Oracle Clusterware
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Oracle Clusterware as a component of Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
RAC Administration - Oracle Notification Services
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the server-side Oracle Notification Services (ONS) configuration and how to add additional mid-tier ONS daemons into the configuration.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC and Multitenant Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to list the configuration options for a database in 12c and describe the architecture of a multitenant RAC database.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC and Network Connectivity
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the network requirements of Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC One Node
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the role Oracle RAC One Node plays in server consolidation including its high availability benefits.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC One Node Online Relocation
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the RAC One Node online relocation process and list some of the considerations involved in an online relocation.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC One Node Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of Oracle RAC One Node and describe some of the benefits of using Oracle RAC One Node.
RAC Administration - Oracle RAC Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to define the concept of Oracle RAC and list the differences between Oracle RAC databases and noncluster Oracle databases.
RAC Administration - Oracle Recovery Manager Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to list the benefits Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) provides for RAC.
RAC Administration - Oracle Services Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to define Oracle services and describe how services are used in a RAC database.
RAC Administration - Other Performance Policy Components
After watching this video; you will be able to describe server pool directive overrides and Performance Class ranks as components of Performance Policies.
RAC Administration - Other RAC Tuning Considerations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe tuning considerations relating to undo blocks; high water marks; and serialized cross-instance calls.
RAC Administration - Out-of-Place Upgrades
After watching this video; you will be able to list the steps to perform an out-of-place upgrade of an Oracle RAC database.
RAC Administration - Overview of Grid Plug and Play Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) architecture it's benefits in rapid provisioning.
RAC Administration - Overview of Metrics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the metrics used by QoS Management to identify performance issues.
RAC Administration - Overview of Patching
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different types of patches available for Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Overview of Policy Sets
After watching this video; you will be able to define a policy set.
RAC Administration - Parallel Execution with RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the impact of parallel execution in Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Parallel Recovery in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to list the stages of recovery where parallelism can be used.
RAC Administration - Parameters That Require Identical Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to describe parameters that require identical settings across RAC instances.
RAC Administration - Performance Classes
After watching this video; you will be able to define performance classes and describe how work requests are tagged to identify the performance classes they belong to.
RAC Administration - Performance Objectives
After watching this video; you will be able to define how performance objectives specify the level of optimal performance for business purposes.
RAC Administration - Performance Policies
After watching this video; you will be able to describe performance policies and their relationship with performance objectives.
RAC Administration - Performing an Online Relocation
After watching this video; you will be able to perform an online relocation and describe how rolling patches can be applied using online relocation.
RAC Administration - Protecting Against Media Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to describe ways to protect against media failure.
RAC Administration - QoS Management Focus and Benefits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how QoS Management focuses on wait times and list the benefits of QoS Management.
RAC Administration - QoS Management Functional Overview and Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how QoS Management attempts to meet performance objectives and list the components that make up QoS Management.
RAC Administration - QoS Management Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the concept of QoS Management in the context of Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - QoS Management Recommendations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how QoS Management generates recommendations and how to implement a recommended action.
RAC Administration - Quiescing RAC Databases
After watching this video; you will be able to quiesce and unquiesce a RAC database.
RAC Administration - RAC and Instance Recovery Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process of instance recovery by a surviving RAC instance after one or more instances fail.
RAC Administration - RAC and the Fast Recovery Area
After watching this video; you will be able to use a fast recovery area in RAC.
RAC Administration - RAC Backup and Recovery Using Enterprise Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to configure RAC recovery settings with Enterprise Manager.
RAC Administration - RAC Hardware Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to list some of the I/O and memory requirements of Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - RAC Initialization Parameter Files
After watching this video; you will be able to work with the spfile in an Oracle RAC database.
RAC Administration - RAC Initialization Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to describe RAC specific initialization parameters and initialization parameters that can affect RAC.
RAC Administration - RAC Tuning Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the approach when tuning a RAC database and the effect of accessing blocks in the global cache.
RAC Administration - Read-from-Disk Cache Fusion Scenario
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the steps involved when an instance wants to read a block that is not in the buffer cache.
RAC Administration - Read-Write Cache Fusion Scenario
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the steps involved when an instance wants to update a block that exists in at least one buffer cache in shared current state.
RAC Administration - Redo Log Files and RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to manage redo log files in a RAC database.
RAC Administration - Restoring and Recovering Archived Log Files
After watching this video; you will be able to list considerations when restoring and recovering archived log file.
RAC Administration - Rolling Patches
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to apply a patch with zero downtime using the rolling patch method.
RAC Administration - Server Pools
After watching this video; you will be able to define the purpose of server pools and how server pools are used by QoS Management.
RAC Administration - Server-side Callouts Implementation
After watching this video; you will be able to implement a basic server-side callout script to parse and filter event arguments.
RAC Administration - Service Aggregation and Tracing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how statistics can be aggregated into finer levels to monitor and trace workloads where sessions are shared.
RAC Administration - Service Aggregation Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DBMS_MONITOR package to enable or disable the aggregation of finer levels of granularity for statistics and tracing.
RAC Administration - Service Characteristics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the characteristics that can be specified when creating a service.
RAC Administration - Service Performance Views
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the service-related performance views.
RAC Administration - Service Thresholds and Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to specify performance thresholds for services to compare achieved service levels against minimum required levels.
RAC Administration - Services and Client Connections
After watching this video; you will be able to use a service in a client connect string and configure a service for load balancing.
RAC Administration - Services and Transparent Application Failover
After watching this video; you will be able to configure services for use with Transparent Application Failover.
RAC Administration - Single Instance-to-RAC Conversion
After watching this video; you will be able to list the considerations for converting single-instance databases to Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Single-Client Access Name
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how clients connect to the database using the single-client access name (SCAN).
RAC Administration - Single-Instance Conversion Steps
After watching this video; you will be able to list the steps for converting single-instance databases to Oracle RAC using Database Configuration Assistant and rconfig.
RAC Administration - SPFILE Parameter Values and RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to change Oracle RAC database parameters.
RAC Administration - Starting and Stopping Pluggable Databases in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to use services to manage pluggable databases (PDBs) in Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Starting and Stopping RAC Instances
After watching this video; you will be able to use srvctl and SQL*Plus to stop and start RAC instances.
RAC Administration - Switching Between Automatic and Manual Policies
After watching this video; you will be able to describe automatic and manual management policies and use srvctl to switch between them.
RAC Administration - Transaction Guard Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to define the Transaction Guard API and list the benefits it brings to users after a recoverable outage.
RAC Administration - Transparent Application Failover Basic Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to configure basic Transparent Application Failover on the server and client-side.
RAC Administration - Transparent Application Failover Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the two failover methods Transparent Application Failover (TAF) supports.
RAC Administration - Transparent Application Failover Preconnect
After watching this video; you will be able to configure preconnect Transparent Application Failover on the client-side.
RAC Administration - Transparent Data Encryption and Keystores in RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to manage the keystore for Transparent Data Encryption when using Oracle RAC.
RAC Administration - Types of Workload Distribution
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the types of workload distribution methods and configure client-side connect-time load balancing.
RAC Administration - Typical Oracle RAC Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the typical Oracle RAC architecture and some of the variations available.
RAC Administration - Using Application Continuity
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Application Continuity works and the configuration options in a RAC service.
RAC Administration - Using Services with the Resource Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Resource Manager to prioritize sessions by binding the client to a consumer group according to the service the client connects with.
RAC Administration - Using Services with the Scheduler
After watching this video; you will be able to use job classes to assign a job to a service; to bring the benefits of services in RAC to the Scheduler.
RAC Administration - Using Transaction Guard
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Transaction Guard works and how to configure a service to use Transaction Guard.
RAC Administration - Wait Events for RAC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the importance of using wait events to diagnose performance problems and list some of the important wait event views.
RAC Administration - Write-Read Cache Fusion Scenario
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the steps involved when an instance wants to read a block which exists in at least one buffer cache in exclusive current state.
RAC Administration - Write-Write Cache Fusion Scenario
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the steps involved when an instance wants to update a block that exists in at least one buffer cache in exclusive current state.
Recover and Restore an Oracle 12c Database to a New Host
Oracle Database 12c allows a database to be restored from one host to another. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to prepare a host environment; copy over relevant backup files; and recover the restored database on its new host.
Recovering a SPFILE
In Oracle Database 12c; you can recover an SPFILE file using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates different ways to create SPFILES and PFILES; and how to use the RMAN tool to recover those files.
Recovering a Table from a Backup
In Oracle Database 12c; you have the ability to recover a table from a backup. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the two ways you can use to restore a table from a backup and bring the information back to the original database.
Recovering Control Files
Oracle Database12c allows you to recover from the loss of a control file in a database environment; which ensures that the database can be restored to its normal working state quickly. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to recover from the two types of losses that can affect control files in Oracle.
Recovering From the Loss of a Data File
In Oracle Database 12c; you can recover from the loss of a data file using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN restore and recover commands to restore a data file in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Recovering From the Loss of Redo Log Files
Oracle Database 12c allows you to recover lost redo log files in a database. If these log files are lost; you will not be able to track the history of activity in your database; so knowing how to recover them is important. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to recover from the loss of redo log files.
Recovering From the Loss of Redo Log Groups
Oracle Database 12c's Enterprise Manager Cloud Control allows the maintenance and management of online redo log groups. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to recover from the loss or corruption of log file groups in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
Recovering Image Copies
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use an RMAN Image copy to perform a fast recovery. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to recover and restore Image copies with incremental backups.
Recovering Tablespaces and Tempfiles
Oracle Database 12c allows you to recover tablespaces and temp files in a database. Although these are non-critical losses; it's important to know how to recover them so you don't have to re-create thousands of indexes each time a loss occurs. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to recover tablespaces; the tablespace index; and temp files.
Recovery Solutions Architectures
Oracle Database 12c allows you to make use of various recovery solution architectures in its database management system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the Oracle 12c Recovery Solutions Architecture; Physical Standby Database; and Active Data Guard.
Repairing Block Corruption
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use the Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) to repair block corruptions by issuing a list of three commands. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the DRA and the list failure; advise failure; and repair failure commands to repair a block corruption.
Reporting on Backups Using RMAN and Dynamic Views
In Oracle Database 12c; you can combine RMAN and SQL Plus commands to get information on your backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the report obsolete command to identify what needs to be backed up or what information is obsolete.
Restore Encrypted Backups
Oracle Database 12c allows the encryption of backups subject to the identification of an open wallet. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to identify and open a wallet and enable; configure; and implement Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Restoring a Dropped Table Using Flashback Drop
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback Drop feature stores dropped tables in a recycle bin from which they can later be retrieved. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to drop a table and restore it using the FLASHBACK TABLE statement.
Restoring a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a restore in NOARCHIVELOG mode using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the RMAN restore and recover commands to perform a restore in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
Restoring an Encrypted Backup
Oracle Database 12c allows you to encrypt backups and data files to ensure greater security. To access these backups and data files again; you need to decrypt them. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use RMAN to restore an encrypted backup.
Restoring and Recovering From the Loss of Control Files
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform a restore and recover after the loss of control files using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to restore and recover the database after the loss of control files.
Restoring ASM Disk Groups
In Oracle Database 12c; you can restore ASM Disk Groups using the ASMCMD utility. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates ASMCMD; Oracle's commandline interface to the ASM environment; and the commands used to backup and restore ASM Disk Groups.
Restoring the Password File
Oracle Database 12c allows the recreation of database password files using the orapwd utility. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the orapwd utility to recreate a missing database password file and assign users to it.
RMAN and Oracle Secure Backup Integration Overview
Oracle Database 12c's Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) utility integrates with Recovery Manager (RMAN) to provide data protection. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates OSB's architecture and explains how it combines with RMAN to define and schedule database and file system backups.
RMAN Recovery Catalog Resynchronization
In Oracle Database 12c; a registered target database and the recovery catalog are automatically resynchronized whenever you connect to them and perform a backup. You can also force them to resynchronize manually. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the RESYNC CATALOG command to manually resynchronize the database and the recovery catalog.
RMAN; Secure Backup; and Data Guard Overview
Oracle Database 12c has a number of options you can use to backup data within its database management system. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use RMAN; Secure Backup; and Data Guard to backup data.
RMAN-Encrypted Backups Overview
In Oracle Database 12c; Recovery Manager (RMAN) supports Transparent Data Encryption (TDE); password mode; and dual mode encryption. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the difference between Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) encryption and RMAN encryption; and explores RMAN encryption modes.
Set the LARGE_POOL_SIZE for Performance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can set the large pool size parameter to auto-tune the performance of the Recovery Manager (RMAN) tool. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the large pool is part of the Oracle auto-tune parameters which regulate the performance of the RMAN tool.
Setting Parameters to Detect Block Corruption
There are specific parameters you can set within Oracle Database 12c in order to identify if and when block corruption has occurred. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the db_block_checking; db_block_checksum; and db_lost_write_protect parameters are applied in order to check for block corruptions.
Setting the Retention Policy in RMAN
In the RMAN client in Oracle Database12c; a retention policy determines when backups are tagged as obsolete. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the two types of retention policies – based on either age or redundancy – available in RMAN.
Sizing and Managing the Fast Recovery Area
In Oracle Database 12c; you can control the maximum size of the Fast Recovery Area (FRA). In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to calculate an appropriate size limit for the FRA based on factors such as the size of archive log files generated between backups; incremental backups; and disk image copies.
Start the Auxiliary Instance and Allocating Channels
In Oracle Database 12c; you can start the auxiliary instance and allocate auxiliary channels. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL command to create auxiliary channels.
Techniques for Duplicating a Database from Backup
In Oracle Database 12c; it's an easy process to create a duplicate database. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the DUPLICATE DATABASE command to duplicate the database from backup to a new auxiliary location.
The Different Techniques to Duplicate a Database
Oracle Database 12c's DUPLICATE DATABASE command within RMAN allows the easy duplication of databases. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the use of database duplication and explains the multiple ways in which the DUPLICATE DATABASE command may be used in different contexts.
The Grid Infrastructure for a Stand-Alone Server
The Grid Infrastructure is a required component of Oracle Database 12c if you're using ASM storage. It installs and configures ASM and brings in Oracle Restart capabilities. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the Grid Infrastructure installs and configures the ASM instance; creates disk groups; and starts up Oracle Notification Services for a Stand-Alone Server.
The Oracle Database Server Architecture
Oracle Database 12c server architecture consists of an Oracle Database; one or more Oracle Database instances; and client and server processes to manage and access the databases. In this video; Steve Hamilton describes the client/server architecture within an Oracle Database system; and highlights the physical and logical database structures.
The Push and Pull Methods of Duplicating a Database
In Oracle Database 12c; you have the push and the pull methods of duplicating a database. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the FROM ACTIVE DATABASE command to push information from the target database to the auxiliary database.
The Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery Architecture
In Oracle Database 12c; you can recover a specific tablespace to a different database with Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery (TSPITR). In this video; Steve Hamilton uses backup sets to create TSPITRs.
Transporting Data with Backup Sets
In Oracle Database 12c; you can now move backup sets from one platform to another within RMAN and Data Pump. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the BACKUP FOR TRANSPORT command to create the backup set; give it the Data Pump format; and then identify the tablespace.
Troubleshooting RMAN Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use RMAN and database parameters when troubleshooting Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery (TSPITR). In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the SET NEWNAME command to eliminate file name conflicts.
Tuning Instance Recovery and Using MTTR
In Oracle Database 12c; you can optimize your Instance Recovery to suit your organization's needs. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to adjust the mean time to recover to optimize Instance Recovery.
Understand How RMAN Commands are Processed
In Oracle Database 12c; the RMAN utility can be used to execute various commands; such as BACKUP; RECOVER; or DUPLICATE. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how RMAN commands are processed and executed.
Understand the Flashback Database Considerations
The FLASHBACK DATABASE command in Oracle Database 12c makes it possible to return a database to a specific time; restore point; or SCP number. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the limitations of FLASHBACK DATABASE; explaining prerequisites for using it and the types of changes that determine the earliest point to which a database can be restored.
Understand the RMAN DUPLICATE Command Options
Oracle Database 12c allows you to duplicate a database with RMAN to perform a recover and restore operation using the DUPLICATE command. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the options that are available when using the DUPLICATE command.
Understand the RMAN Duplication Operation
Oracle Database 12c allows you to duplicate a database using RMAN if you ever have to perform a recover and restore operation. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the seven steps involved in the process to perform the duplication operation; including how the DUPLICATE command can be used.
Understand the Steps to Tune RMAN Backup Performance
In Oracle Database 12c; you can tune the RMAN utility in order to ensure better performance. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the steps involved when tuning RMAN backup performance. To do this; there are several tools that you can use; including the RATE parameter; degrees of parallelism; and the large pool size.
Understanding Flashback Drop and the Recycle Bin
Oracle Database 12c provides a recycle bin; which you can use to retrieve dropped tables. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to enable or disable the recycle bin; how to retrieve dropped tables from it; the limitations on the recovery process; and how to purge the recycle bin.
Understanding Instance Recovery
In Oracle Database 12c; you can easily recover from an Instance Failure by issuing a normal startup command; which will also start the automatic Instance Failure recovery process (SMON). In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how the Instance Failure recovery SMON process operates.
Understanding the Flashback Database Feature
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback Database uses flashback logs to allow a database to be rewound to a specific time; restore point; or SCN. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the architecture of Flashback Database and its use in different scenarios.
Understanding the Flashback Table Feature
In Oracle Database 12c; you can use the FLASHBACK TABLE command to rewind a table to a specific point in time. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how FLASHBACK TABLE works; how it’s commonly used; and its advantages.
Understanding the Flashback Technologies Available
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback technologies allow the reversal; through time; of past illogical errors. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how Flashback technologies enable error detection and recovery through the rewinding and backing out of point-in-time data; without having to restore backups.
Understanding the Flashback Transaction Query Feature
Oracle Database 12c provides the Flashback Transaction Query feature; which makes it possible to reverse specific database transactions. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the Flashback Transaction Query; including its advantages and limitations; as well as prerequisites for its use.
Understanding Transparent and Full Schema Evolution
Oracle Database 12c provides the Total Recall utility which includes the Flashback Data Archive feature. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates Transparent Schema Evolution and the use of the FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE package to track both DDL and DML changes at the schema level.
Use Dynamic Views and Monitoring RMAN Jobs
In Oracle Database 12c; you can monitor any specific long running operations as they relate to RMAN. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the v$session_longops command to monitor individual RMAN operations and see how long each individual step takes.
Use Media Manager
In Oracle Database 12c; the Media Management Layer (MML) is a component of Oracle Secure Backup. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses MML to bolt on to the RMAN executable and write to a tape device.
Use sbttest and Identify RMAN Problems
In Oracle Database 12c; you can perform troubleshooting within RMAN using the VALIDATE command to determine if backed up files are not corrupted; and that you’re backing up the correct files. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use the VALIDATE command and also use the sbttest utility to write to tape or media management.
Use SET NEWNAME to Specify New Names for Data Files
In Oracle Database 12c; you can set the file names within a single command for a specific tablespace or the entire database. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the SET NEWNAME command to specify new names for data files.
Using ADRCI and V$DIAG_INFO View for ADR Information
Oracle Database 12c allows you to view ADR information through the command line interface. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses Oracle Database 12c to show problems and incidents which have occurred in a database via the ADR command line interface.
Using Data Recovery Advisor in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Oracle Database 12c comes with a utility called Data Recovery Advisor; which allows you to restore datafiles. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to implement the Data Recovery Advisor utility in order to repair a failure and bring a datafile back online.
Using Data Recovery Advisor RMAN Command-Line Interface
Oracle Database 12c allows you to utilize the DRA from the RMAN command-line interface. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the commands necessary when using the DRA from the command-line. He goes through the whole process from Advise Failure through the restoration of missing files; and closing the process.
Using Data Recovery Advisor Views
Oracle Database 12c allows you to repair failures and then store the execution process internally for future use. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to issue the four commands used to recognize and fix failures on a database; and keep this information stored for future failures.
Using Restore Points with Flashback Database
In Oracle Database 12c; using restore points with flashback database gives you the ability to restore your database to a specific point in time. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to create two different types of restore points and use them to restore your database.
Using RMAN Password-Mode and Dual-Mode Encryption
Oracle Database 12c allows you to perform database encryption to ensure a higher level of protection for your data files and backups. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to encrypt database backups using RMAN password-mode or dual-mode.
Using RMAN Stored Scripts
In Oracle Database 12c; you have the advantage of creating stored scripts when using a separate repository or a recovery catalog database. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the create script command to create a stored script.
Using Temporal Validity and History in a Database Table
In Oracle Database 12c; by using Temporal Validity and History in a database table; you are able to keep your active data as well as non-active data all in the same table. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to keep both active and non-active data together by using the Period For clause tool; achieved by changing the user_time feature.
Using the Fast Recovery Area
In Oracle Database 12c; the Fast Recovery Area (FRA) is the default location for backups and archive log files. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates the FRA and the parameters you can use to control the default locations of online redo logs; data and control files; and archive log files; as well as the default location of the FRA.
Using the Flashback Query and Version Query Features
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback Query and Version Query allow data to be viewed at points in time in select tablespaces. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how Flashback Query reveals data states and Flashback Version allows targeted data selection.
Using the Flashback Table Feature
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback Table feature reverses accidental table modification or deletion by allowing full restoration to earlier points in time. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the timestamp keyword to restore a table to its original state.
Using the Flashback Transaction Query Feature
Oracle Database 12c's Flashback Transaction Query feature uses the UNDO_SQL column to reverse the logic of transactions and retrieve data from a database table. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the ROW ID of a record to back out and delete data from a table.
Using Transparent-Mode Encryption
Oracle Database 12c supports Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) which allows you to encrypt data at a resting state. In this video; Steve Hamilton demonstrates how TDE ensures that if an unauthorized user accessed a data file; they would not be able to access the data; because the data file and the data it contains is encrypted.
Virtual Private RMAN Catalogs
In Oracle Database 12c; your Virtual Private Catalog (VPC) allows you to segregate your databases by database administrator function. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the create command to generate a VPC.
Adding and Modifying Data Files
After watching this video; you will be able to add a data file to a tablespace; modify a data file; and rename and move data files in Oracle Database 12c.
Advanced Connection Options and Connectivity Testing
After watching this video; you will be able to configure advanced connection options and test Oracle Net connectivity with Oracle Database 12c.
Automatic Storage Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe key features of Automatic Storage Management in Oracle Database 12c.
Compressing Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Compression Advisor and the DBMS_COMPRESSION package to compress tables in Oracle Database 12c.
Configure; Start; and View a Database
After watching this video; you will be able to configure initialization parameters; start a database instance; and use different views in Oracle Database 12c.
Configuring Communication Between Databases
After watching this video; you will be able to configure communication between Oracle Database 12c database instances.
Configuring Key Initialization Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to configure key initialization parameters in Oracle Database 12c.
Configuring Naming Methods
After watching this video; you will be able to configure naming methods for connecting to an Oracle Database 12c database.
Configuring Networking and Listeners
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and the Listener Control utility to configure Oracle Database 12c.
Connecting to an Oracle Database
After watching this video; you will be able to use Oracle Net Services to connect to an Oracle Database 12c database instance.
Creating Tablespaces
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new tablespace in Oracle Database 12c.
Data Dictionary Views
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use the data dictionary views in Oracle Database 12c.
Database Server Architecture and Memory Structures
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the database server architecture and key memory structures in Oracle Database 12c.
DDL and Debut Log Files
After watching this video; you will be able to administer the DDL log file and use the debug log file in Oracle Database 12c.
Dedicated and Shared Server Configurations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe dedicated and shared server configurations in Oracle Database 12c.
Deferred Segment Creation
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and control deferred segment creation in Oracle Database 12c.
Dynamic Performance Views
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use dynamic performance views in Oracle Database 12c.
In-Memory Data Storage
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the new in-memory column store; as well as in-memory caching of row data; in Oracle Database 12c.
Introduction to Enterprise Manager Database Express
After watching this video; you will be able to access Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express and provide an overview of the options it provides for managing Oracle Database 12c.
Large; Java; and Streams Pools and the PGA
After watching this video; you will be able to explain the functions of the large; Java; and streams pools and the role of the Program Global Area in Oracle Database 12c.
Logical and Physical Storage Structures
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the logical and physical storage structures used in Oracle Database 12c.
Managing Data Block Space
After watching this video; you will be able to describe block space management; including the use of row chaining and migration; in Oracle Database 12c.
Managing Oracle Net Services
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use tools for managing Oracle Net Services to manage connectivity with Oracle Database 12c.
Managing Segments
After watching this video; you will be able to describe segment types and the allocation of segments to extents; and manage free space within segments in Oracle Database 12c.
Manually Shrinking Segments
After watching this video; you will be able to shrink Oracle Database 12c segments using SQL and Enterprise Manager.
Modifying Tablespaces
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the default tablespaces created in a database and the options for altering the status or state of a tablespace.
Monitoring Tablespace Disk Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Tablespace disk usage in Oracle Database 12c.
Monitoring Undo Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor undo operations and use the Undo Advisor in Oracle Database 12c.
Multitenant Architecture and Cloud Computing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the new multitenant architecture and support for cloud computing in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Net Services and Oracle Net Listener
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functions of Oracle Net Services and Oracle Net Listener with Oracle Database 12c.
Overview of Database Storage Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to provide an overview of the database storage architecture used in Oracle Database 12c.
Overview of Initialization Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to identify types of initialization parameters and the files that contain them in Oracle Database 12c.
Process Architecture Overview and Structures
After watching this video; you will be able to provide an overview of the process architecture and process structures in Oracle Database 12c.
Shrinking Segments
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the phases of a table shrink operation.
Shutting Down a Database Instance
After watching this video; you will be able to explain what occurs when you shut down a database instance; as well as the available shutdown modes; in Oracle Database 12c.
SQL*Plus and SQL Developer
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Oracle Database 12c database management tools; SQL*Plus and SQL Developer.
Starting a Database Instance
After watching this video; you will be able to explain the steps that occur when you start up a database instance in Oracle Database 12c.
Table Data Storage
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how table data is stored in Oracle Database 12c.
Temporary Undo
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and enable the Temporary Undo feature in Oracle Database 12c.
The Alert Log and Trace Files
After watching this video; you will be able to view the alert log and find and use trace files in Oracle Database 12c.
The Buffer Cache and Redo Log Buffer
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the functions of the buffer cache and the redo log buffer in Oracle Database 12c.
The CKPT; SMON; and PMON Processes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the checkpoint; system monitor; and process monitor processes in Oracle Database 12c.
The DBW and LGWR Processes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the database writer and log writer processes in Oracle Database 12c.
The Multitenant Container Database
After watching this video; you will be able to explain the new multitenant container database in Oracle Database 12c.
The RECO; LREG; and ARCn Processes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the recoverer; listener registration; and archiver processes in Oracle Database 12c.
The Shared Pool
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the functions of the shared pool.
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
After watching this video; you will be able to start Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and describe its core components in Oracle Database 12c.
Using Oracle Managed Files
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and use Oracle Managed Files (OMF) in Oracle Database 12c.
Using SQL*Plus to View and Configure Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to use SQL*Plus to view and configure initialization parameters for Oracle Database 12c.
Using the Automatic Segment Advisor
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Automatic Segment Advisor to shrink segments online in Oracle Database 12c.
Working with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
After watching this video; you will be able to use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in Oracle Database 12c.
RAC Administration - Grid Infrastructure Software Installation – Part 2
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure a new cluster including ASM configuration.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating Time and Event-based Jobs
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the creation of time and event-based jobs in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Gathering Concurrent Statistics
After watching this video, you will be able to describe concurrent statistics gathering in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c: Configuring Cloud Control to Use RMAN Catalog
In Oracle Database 12c, you can use the command line or a console to control which databases are included in the recovery catalog. In this video, Steve Hamilton demonstrates how to use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to register a target database with the recovery catalog.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing Resumable Space Allocation
After watching this video, you will be able to manage resumable space allocation in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Table Compression Overview
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the types and uses of table compression in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Exporting Data with Data Pump
After watching this video, you will be able to export data using Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Oracle Data Pump Directory Objects and Clients
After watching this video, you will be able to work with Oracle Data Pump directory objects, clients, and modes in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Importing Data with Data Pump
After watching this video, you will be able to import data using Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Recovering from Loss of Control or Redo Log Files
After watching this video, you will be able to recover from loss of a control file or redo log file in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Recovering a Database
After watching this video, you will be able to recover a database and use the Data Recovery Advisor in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Data Migration and Oracle Data Pump
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the functional components used for moving data and the use of Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Recovering Data Files
After watching this video, you will be able to recover data files in NOARCHIVELOG and ARCHIVELOG modes in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configure Backup Settings
After watching this video, you will be able to use the Recovery Manager to configure backup settings in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating and Managing Backups
After watching this video, you will be able to create backups using RMAN commands and manage backups in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Implementing a Backup Strategy
After watching this video, you will be able to implement the Oracle suggested backup strategy and back up a control file to a trace file in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Archiving Redo Log Files
After watching this video, you will be able to configure archiving of redo log files in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Multiplexing Control and Redo Log Files
After watching this video, you will be able to multiplex control and redo log files in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Backup Types and the Recovery Manager
After watching this video, you will be able to describe backup types and the use of the Recovery Manager in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Backup Solutions
After watching this video, you will be able to describe backup solutions in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Checkpoints, Redo Log Files, and Log Writers
After watching this video, you will be able to explain the use of checkpoints, redo log files, and log writers in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Oracle Data Protection
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the Oracle data protection solutions in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring the Flash Recovery Area
After watching this video, you will be able to configure and monitor the flash recovery area in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Instance Recovery
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and configure instance recovery, and use the Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) Advisor in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Media Failure and Recovery Types
After watching this video, you will be able to describe media failure and distinguish between complete and point-in-time recovery in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Network and Instance Failures, and User Error
After watching this video, you will be able to describe network failures, user errors and instance failures and describe the Oracle Flashback Technology features in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Database, Statement, and Process Failures
After watching this video, you will be able to recognize responsibilities for preventing and responding to database, statement, and user process failures in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Instance Performance Tuning
After watching this video, you will be able to tune the performance of a database instance in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring Server-Generated Alerts
After watching this video, you will be able to describe server-generated alerts and set metric thresholds for them in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Automated Maintenance Tasks
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and view the automated database maintenance tasks in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
After watching this video, you will be able to plan, monitor, and tune performance in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Recognizing and Clearing Alerts
After watching this video, you will be able to recognize different alert types and clear alerts in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using the ADDM
After watching this video, you will be able to use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor in Enterprise Manager in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Setting a Statistics Level
After watching this video, you will be able to set the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter for a database in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Accessing Advisors
After watching this video, you will be able to access the Advisor Central page in Enterprise Manager and identify the packages used to invoke advisors in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: The Advisory Framework
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the Advisory Framework in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing AWR
After watching this video, you will be able to manage Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) settings in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating an AWR Baseline
After watching this video, you will be able to create an Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) baseline in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: The Automatic Workload Repository
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and its infrastructure in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Data Dictionary Views for External Tables
After watching this video, you will be able to use data dictionary views to access information about external tables in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Populating External Tables
After watching this video, you will be able to create and populate an external table using ORACLE_DATAPUMP in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Introduction to Database Maintenance
After watching this video, you will be able to describe database maintenance tasks and view alert history in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Back up Database and Export HR Schema
After watching this video, you will be able to verify database configuration and export the HR schema in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using SQL*Loader to Load Data
After watching this video, you will be able to use SQL*Loader to load external data into tables in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating a SQL*Loader Control File
After watching this video, you will be able to create a SQL*Loader control file in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Accessing External Tables
After watching this video, you will be able to use ORACLE_LOADER to access external tables in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using External Tables
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the uses of external tables in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Overview of SQL Advisors
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the SQL Advisors available in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Gather Concurrent Statistics and SQL Plan Directives
After watching this video, you will be able to describe concurrent statistics gathering and the use of SQL plan directives in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: SQL Tuning Advisor
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and use the SQL Tuning Advisor in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Optimizer Statistics Collection
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the collection of optimizer statistics in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: SQL Tuning and Optimizer Statistics Overview
After watching this video, you will be able to describe SQL tuning and the optimizer statistics used in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Manually Gathering Optimizer Statistics
After watching this video, you will be able to gather optimizer statistics manually and set optimizer statistics preferences in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Viewing and Configuring Optimizer Statistics
After watching this video, you will be able to use the Optimizer Statistics Console to set global preferences for optimizer statistics in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Autotuned SGA Parameters
After watching this video, you will be able to describe values for autotuned SGA parameters in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Perform Database Maintenance
After watching this video, you will be able to configure AWR retention parameters, generate an AWR report, review server-generated alerts, and enable Automatic Memory Management (AMM) in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing the Program Global Area
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the program global area (PGA) and the dynamic performance statistics available in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Enabling and Monitoring AMM
After watching this video, you will be able to enable and monitor Automatic Memory Management (AMM) in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Automatic Memory Management
After watching this video, you will be able to describe Automatic Memory Management (AMM) and related memory parameters in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Enabling ASSM
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and enable Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM) in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Automatic Shared Memory Management
After watching this video, you will be able to describe Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASSM) in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Viewing Wait Events
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and view wait events in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Monitoring Top Services
After watching this video, you will be able to monitor top services in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Memory Management Guidelines
After watching this video, you will be able to identify guidelines for memory management in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Views to Tune Performance
After watching this video, you will be able to use the data dictionary views to diagnose and tune performance problems in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Monitoring Session Performance
After watching this video, you will be able to monitor session performance in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Enterprise Manager to Manage Performance
After watching this video, you will be able to use EM Database Express and EM Cloud Control to monitor database performance in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Monitoring Resource Manager Statistics
After watching this video, you will be able to monitor Resource Manager statistics in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing Runaway Queries and Consumer Group Mapping
After watching this video, you will be able to track runaway queries and manage the mapping of sessions to resource consumer groups in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing Resource Plans
After watching this video, you will be able to specify resource plan directives and allocate plan resources in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating Simple and Complex Resource Plans
After watching this video, you will be able to create simple and complex resource plans in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Limiting CPU Utilization
After watching this video, you will be able to limit CPU utilization at the database and server levels, and monitor instance caging in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Managing Session Resource Use
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the Active Session Pool mechanism, specify thresholds, and set idle timeouts in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: SQL Performance Analyzer
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and use the SQL Performance Analyzer in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: SQL Access Advisor
After watching this video, you will be able to describe and use the SQL Access Advisor in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Resource Manager Plans and Maintenance Windows
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the default Resource Manager plan and maintenance window in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Database Resource Manager Uses
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the uses of the Database Resource Manager in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Create a Tablespace and Manage Undo
After watching this video, you will be able to create a tablespace, add a data file, and manage Undo operations in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: User Authentication
After watching this video, you will be able to describe how users are authenticated with the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: User Accounts
After watching this video, you will be able to describe database user accounts in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Overview of the Undo Feature
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the use of undo records in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring Undo
After watching this video, you will be able to manage undo records and configure undo retention in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Administrative Accounts
After watching this video, you will be able to describe administrative user accounts in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Fine-Grained Auditing Guidelines
After watching this video, you will be able to describe considerations and guidelines for fine-grained auditing (FGA) in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Manage User Privileges and Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to create a user, assign a role, and configure auditing in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Archiving and Purging the Audit Trail
After watching this video, you will be able to archive and purge the audit trail in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating Unified Audit Policies
After watching this video, you will be able to create unified audit policies in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to describe how to configure auditing by using a unified auditing policy.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Fine-Grained Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to describe fine-grained auditing (FGA) and assign FGA policies in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Working with Audit Policies
After watching this video, you will be able to enable, disable, alter, and view audit policies in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Enabling Unified Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to enable unified auditing in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Audit Implementation Requirements
After watching this video, you will be able to describe unified auditing and the requirements to implement auditing in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Database Security, Compliance, and Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to provide an overview of database security, auditing, and compliance monitoring in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Locking Mechanisms
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the locking mechanisms for managing data concurrency in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Implementing Password Security
After watching this video, you will be able to implement password security in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Resolving Lock Conflicts
After watching this video, you will be able to resolve lock conflicts and deadlocks in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Detecting Lock Conflicts
After watching this video, you will be able to identify causes of lock conflicts and detect lock conflicts in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Roles to Manage Privileges
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the predefined database roles for managing privileges in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Analyzing Privileges
After watching this video, you will be able to analyze privileges in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Assigning Quotas
After watching this video, you will be able to assign quotas on tablespaces in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Assigning Profiles
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the predefined database roles for managing privileges in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: System Privileges
After watching this video, you will be able to administer system privileges in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: User Management
After watching this video, you will be able to create a user and unlock or reset a user's password in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Object Privileges
After watching this video, you will be able to administer object privileges in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring E-mail Notifications and Job Chains
After watching this video, you will be able to configure e-mail notifications and job chains using Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Time and Event-based Schedules
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the use of time and event-based schedules in the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Configuring Job Arrays and File Arrival Events
After watching this video, you will be able to create a job array, create a file watcher, and configure file arrival events using Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Creating Job Classes and Windows
After watching this video, you will be able to describe job classes and job prioritization in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Using Jobs and Schedules in Oracle Scheduler
After watching this video, you will be able to describe persistent lightweight jobs and use time-based and event-based schedules in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Introduction to the Oracle Scheduler
After watching this video, you will be able to describe how to simplify management tasks using the Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Tune Performance and Manage Resources
After watching this video, you will be able to collect statistics, use the SQL Tuning Advisor, and create a simple resource plan in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Scheduling Remote Database Jobs
After watching this video, you will be able to schedule remote database jobs and view Oracle Scheduler metadata in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Administrator Authentication
After watching this video, you will be able to describe administrator authentication when connecting to the Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Value-based Auditing
After watching this video, you will be able to describe value-based auditing in Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c Revisions: Applying the Principle of Least Privilege
After watching this video, you will be able to describe how to apply the principle of least privilege in Oracle Database 12c.