Course Description
Get expert advice on the sticky issue of disciplining workers whose performance just doesn’t measure up. Learn how to handle each step of the process — from identifying performance separating issues from assessing the severity…to intervention strategies…to termination procedures.
Program time: 3 hours
Session 1: Identifying Performance Problems and Maintaining Open Communication Channels
Realize the major reasons employees don’t perform up to standards.
Be aware of warning signs that a performance problem is brewing.
Determine when a “problem” employee really isn’t a problem.
Overcome reasons that bosses sometimes fail to recognize — or worse, fail to address — performance problems.
Understand the critical differences among coaching, criticizing and disciplining—and decide which approach a particular situation calls for.
Constructive feedback: Use it effectively to convey the perceived problem to the employee and promote productivity.
Avoid emotionally charged statements and communication breakdowns that can escalate a problem situation.
Don’t soft-pedal the issue: The importance of using specific, clear and direct language when communicating with employees about performance problems.
Session 2: Positive Intervention Techniques for Turning Performance Problems Around
Understand that you, as a manager or supervisor, may inadvertently contribute to performance problems.
Step-by-step checklists for preparing and conducting effective intervention meetings.
Be prepared with effective response strategies if employees react strongly during your discussions.
Avoid the common mistakes managers and supervisors make when preparing for counseling sessions or performance reviews.
Know the importance of taking corrective rather than punitive action.
What are the major elements every successful performance improvement plan must include?
Try innovative techniques that often work when traditional approaches to discipline don’t get results.
Realize when verbal reprimands are effective — and best practices to follow.
Session 3: When the Problem Persists: Conducting a Formal Discipline Session or Deciding to Terminate
Follow a step-by-step guide for conducting an effective — and legally sound — discipline session.
Consider this 6-point checklist when determining if termination is the best course of action.
Never ignore employee actions and behavior that affect performance — and when they warrant termination.
List examples of gross misconduct that are grounds for immediate dismissal — and how to keep control of difficult termination situations.
Protect yourself and build your case with solid documentation.
Know the 3 actions you must take before firing.
Follow step-by-step guidelines for conducting a termination meeting.
Calm the waters: What to do after a termination to minimize negative repercussions among remaining workers.
Plus... Protecting You and Your Organization Legally
Avoid these 5 potentially explosive scenarios at all costs.
Develop a progressive discipline policy that gets results and minimizes the legal liabilities of your organization.
Take these 6 actions during disciplinary interviews to reduce the risk of lawsuits.