Sexual Harassment issues are cropping up everywhere lately. You can’t turn on the news or surf the web without seeing the latest story of a high-profile person being accused of sexual misconduct or harassment. It’s gotten so bad, that congress has now mandated sexual harassment training for its members and their families. With this new wave of regulation and occurrences of famous figures standing accused, companies are now realizing the importance of training employees on this subject. In order to avoid possible and costly lawsuits and other internal issues, HR directors are beginning to make this a top priority. Here at, we have seen a significant rise in the number of sexual harassment prevention training requests. If you too are seeking Sexual Harassment training for your employees, here are some things you should know:

1. Preventative vs. Corrective training.

There are two types of training out there. Preventative training is by far the most popular and readily available. We speak with countless HR directors who are seeking group training for their staff members for preventative purposes. It is important to educate your team on the dos and don’ts of inter-office communication in order to prevent an incident from occurring in the future.

The other type of training is corrective training. We see less of this training type, however some companies are required to provide this following an incident that has already occurred. This training situation is also sometimes court-ordered. Typically attorneys, Senior HR professionals, and designated instructors deliver this type of training one-on-one. You will rarely find this training available for groups.

It’s important to understand your employee handbook and its policies on sexual harassment. If you do not have an employee handbook however, it can be more difficult to decide how to handle sexual harassment complaints. Training is always the best way to build your confidence and make sure your staff are aware of what to do in the event of, and how to prevent, and incident from occurring.

2. Sexual Harassment Prevention Onsite and E-learning solutions.

TrainUp has various solutions for training on Sexual Harassment prevention and correction. With a full marketplace of on-demand e-learning, you can secure training for employees quickly and easily. With the ability to compare classes and outlines, you can choose which e-learning course is best for your team.

Looking for something more in-depth and customized? We have that too! Our Team onsite training is targeted towards those who want to participate in a live, in-person, training event to be held at your company office/facility. TrainUp’s highly qualified instructors will come to you, and plan a day of training focused around your team’s unique internal culture and industry. This option ensures that the same message is being received consistently among all staff members and that your employees remain productive at your location, while receiving the learning and development needed.

3. Staying ahead of the curve- latest trends and regulations.

So this trend is building and shaping not only the culture among lawmakers, but creating a wave of awareness throughout corporate America and medium to small-sized businesses. Given the recent state of affairs, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. Our advice would be to pursue preventative sexual Harassment awareness training for your team now. It is only a matter of time before corporations begin following congress’ lead to mandate this training for all levels of employees. is here for you to assist you in your sexual harassment training needs. Our dedicated private event coordinators can work with you to craft a customized training solution that fits your specific team culture and needs. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call!

So the next time you hear about a recent sexual harassment case on the news and think ‘maybe I should look into training on this for my team’ don’t delay. Don’t wait until an incident occurs within your company. Preventative training is worth every minute spent in the training room. Save your department the headache and cost of dealing with the legality of a sexual harassment occurrence. will help you every step of the way so that you can go forward confidently in today’s atmosphere of heightened sexual harassment awareness.