Events that disrupt the typical flow of the workplace are not uncommon. When business is impacted on a global simultaneously, we begin to see trends and observe how companies are dealing with difficult situations to maintain essential functions during and after a disaster has occurred.
Consider This:
North Carolina State UniversityAn organization’s confidence in its crisis management capabilities is not indicative of its actual level of preparedness. Organizational leaders need to develop their knowledge of crisis management
Mitigating Threats
FMEA Threat Assessment Assigning Rankings
Contingency Response Strategies
FMEA Threat Assessment RPN and Risk Prioritization
Crisis Management Principles
Business Continuity Programs
An Overview of Infectious Diseases
Prudent Risk Taking
Leaders Drive Change
Risk Taking Is Disruptive
Healthy Risk-Taking
Reframing Risk
Effective Risk Management
Resources Versus Success
Create Value Before You Create Risk
Business Continuity Management: Global Best Practices, Fourth Edition
Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Based Approach
Business Continuity Planning: A Project Management Approach
Business Continuity For Dummies
Business Continuity Management: Building an Effective Incident Management Plan
The Disaster Recovery Handbook: Step-by-Step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets , Second Edition
The Long-Distance Leader: Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership
Mitigating Threats
FMEA Threat Assessment Assigning Rankings
Contingency Response Strategies
FMEA Threat Assessment RPN and Risk Prioritization
Crisis Management Principles
Business Continuity Programs
An Overview of Infectious Diseases
Assessing Your Organization's Risks
Managing in a Crisis
Responding Effectively to Risks
Developing a Successful Women’s Leadership Initiative in Your Organization
From an acclaimed founder of the profession with 30 years’ experience in 60 countries, Andrew Hiles’ masterwork is the closest you can get to a “Body of Knowledge” for Business Continuity, discussing what works and why. This new edition includes supply chain risk with contract advice, impact of new technologies, and how to choose/apply a wide range of global/national standards.
Key Takeaways
This training content is only as good as the information you actually retain. What were some of the most interesting points you thought were presented in this content?
Learning Applied
Learning shouldn’t stop when the training does. We retain knowledge best when we practice it first-hand. How have you applied this knowledge within your workday?

Discussion Question
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